Köln 2025 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 7: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei III
HK 7.1: Talk
Monday, March 10, 2025, 16:45–17:00, HS 2 Physik
Investigation of 168W via lifetime measurement — •Felix Dunkel1, Christoph Fransen1, Kalle Auranen2, Michael P. Carpenter3, Tuomas Grahn2, Paul Greenlees2, Jan Jolie1, Filip G. Kondev3, Casper-David Lakenbrink1, Claus Müller-Gatermann3, Dariusz Seweryniak3, Franziskus von Spee1, and Nigel Warr1 — 1IKP, Univ. of Cologne, Germany — 2JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland — 3Argonne Natl. Lab, Illinois, USA
In a cluster of neutron-deficient Os-W-Pt nuclei around A=170, an unexpectedly low ratio of B(E2) transition strengths within the yrast band, with ratios B4/2 < 1, has been observed. This cannot be explained in standard collective models. Only very recently, B4/2 < 1 in this region was reproduced with a strong band mixing within an extension of the consistent-Q IBM Hamiltonian [1]. Older lifetime data might suffer from assumptions on side feeding and for the 61+ only a limit is given. We performed an experiment on 168W with the RDDS technique at Argonne Natl. Lab. with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer to determine transition strengths from level lifetimes using γγ coincidences. The measurement of yrast state lifetimes in 168W will be presented. The new data yield that 168W is just at the transition point from "normal" collectivity to the island of nuclei with B4/2 < 1. Furthermore, a ratio of B6/4 < 1 indicates that the phenomenon is not solely related to the structure of the 21+ and 41+ states.
Supported by the DFG, grant Nos. FR 3276/3-1.
[1] F. Pan et al., Phys. Rev. C 110, 054324 (2024)
Keywords: Plunger; lifetime measurement; exotic nuclei; nuclear structure