
Köln 2025 – scientific programme

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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie

MS 10: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry II

MS 10.1: Invited Talk

Friday, March 14, 2025, 11:00–11:30, HS 2 Chemie

Rare-RI Ring facility: tool of precision mass spectrometry of short-lived nuclei — •Takayuki Yamaguchi — Saitama University, Saitama 338-8570, Japan

Today challenge is to precisely measure atomic masses of short-lived exotic nuclei, which contribute to the understanding of nuclear structure evolution, various interactions and symmetries, and astrophysical observations. The Rare-RI Ring (R3) facility is a unique storage ring facility coupled with the cyclotron complex through the high-energy fragment separator BigRIPS at the RIKEN RI beam factory [1]. Ions of interest are in-flight selected and are individually injected in the storage ring where the precision isochronous condition is realized. The event-by-event data processing is performed with information from auxiliary detectors at the BigRIPS. Thus obtained revolution times of stored ions provide the mass-to-charge ratios. Since successful developments of the related devices, several commissioning and physics runs have been conducted; a highlight is the masses in the vicinity of the r-process nucleosynthesis [2]. In this talk, I will overview the BigRIPS-R3 facility and physics programs and will discuss possible extensions and collaborations in the future.


[1] D. Nagae et al., Phys. Rev. C 110, 014310 (2024).

[2] H.F. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 152701 (2022).

Keywords: Storage ring; Atomic masses; Exotic nuclei; Fragment separator; Isochronous mass spectrometry

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