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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie
MS 5: Poster
MS 5.4: Poster
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 17:30–19:00, Foyer Physik
Ion-optical and optical measurements of the Anion Laser Isobar Separator - ALIS — •Derin Schmidt1, Stefan Heinze1, Oscar Marchhart1,2,3, Dennis Mücher1, and Markus Schiffer1 — 1University of Cologne, Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany — 2University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, Austria — 3University of Vienna, Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, Vienna, Austria
As the detection of trace amounts of certain nuclides via Accelera- tor Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is highly dependent on the suppression of isobars, the Anion Laser Isobar Separator (ALIS) was installed at the University of Cologne for element-selective photo-detachment and buffer-gas reactions. The ion-optical system of the ion source and the injector magnet was characterized by beam profile measurements, and the results were compared to simulations. The ion source efficiency was measured for 12C, 27AlO, 88SrF3, and 35Cl. An 18W continuous- wave 532 nm laser was installed, and transmission tests were conducted with the optical system to prepare for its future application in element- selective photo-detachment.
Keywords: Laser Isobar Separation; Ion-Optics; Laser-Optics