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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie

MS 5: Poster

MS 5.7: Poster

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 17:30–19:00, Foyer Physik

Multi-Actinide Analysis on Air Filters Collected in Different Environmental Settings — •Mihails Pavlenko, Helinä Poutamo, Nathalie Schuster-Bourgin, and Karin Hain — University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Austria

The earth’s surface was labelled with human-produced long-lived actinides deposited as nuclear weapons fallout in the 1950s and 1960s, and, more locally restricted, by emission from the nuclear industry and major nuclear accidents. Until today, they take part in redistribution processes and are re-mobilized in the form of aerosols. The signals of the anthropogenic actinides 233,236U, 237Np,239,240,241Pu, and 241Am have been studied in air filters using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA). Samples provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst had been collected at various locations in Germany which suggest a different aerosol composition.

In this context, a chemical procedure preparing U, Pu and Np together in the same AMS target is being developed. First results e.g. on the chemical recovery, were compared to our routine preparation protocol of separating U from Pu and Np, respectively. The parallel analysis of Pu and U is within reach thanks to the efficient suppression of neighbouring masses in the actinide region at VERA.

Keywords: AMS; Trace analysis; Actinides

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Köln