Köln 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie
MS 6: Isobar Suppression Techniques
MS 6.1: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 11:00–11:30, HS 2 Chemie
Isobar analysis in the actinide range and the characterization of an isotopic Np spike — •Andreas Wiederin1,2,3, Martin Martschini1, Aya Sakaguchi4, Peter Steier1, and Karin Hain1 — 1University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics Austria — 2University of Vienna, Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, Austria — 3Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria — 4University of Tsukuba, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Japan
237Np is the second most abundant anthropogenic actinide in the environment and has great potential as an environmental tracer. An isotopic Np spike would solve the problem of normalization for mass spectrometric 237Np measurements in a robust and reliable manner. Such a material has been produced via the 232Th(7Li,3n)236gNp reaction at the Nishina AVF cyclotron (<1010at 236gNp). The co-production of the isobars 236U, 236Pu presented a challenge for the spike characterization since no AMS facility could distinguish isobars in this high mass range. An approach that combines AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry), AFIA (Anion Formation Isobar Analysis) and the first non-chemical isobar separation in the actinide range in AMS using ILIAMS (Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry) has been developed to characterize a Np spike candidate. This pilot spike has been applied to a selection of environmental samples to analyze 237Np. This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): [I-4803-N], a Dimitrov Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and supported by the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences, and the ERAN network.
Keywords: AMS; ILIAMS; Neptunium; Actinides; Isobars