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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie

MS 6: Isobar Suppression Techniques

MS 6.4: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 12:00–12:15, HS 2 Chemie

Installation and characterization of the new ion cooler beamline at the 1 MV AMS facility in Dresden — •Johannes Lachner1, Alexander Wieser1,2, Robin Golser2, Stefan Findeisen1, Thilo Hauser3, Timo Kirschke1, Markus Meyer1, Allan O’Connor3, Carlos Vivo-Vilches1,2, Nicole Wagner1, Gerald Wedel1, Stella Winkler1, and Anton Wallner11Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf — 2Universität Wien, Fakultät für Physik — 3National Electrostatics Corp.

The AMS system HAMSTER (Helmholtz Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Tracing Environmental Radionuclides) will be installed at HZDR in 2025. This 1 MV facility includes an additional injection line for the purpose of isobar suppression with an ion cooler, the so-called Ion Linear Trap for Isobar Suppression (ILTIS). The beamline was installed in 2024 and its operation with the new ion cooler has started. The design of the ion cooler follows the system used for Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS) at the University of Vienna. An important update is the segmentation of the electrodes inside the cooler. This modular design allows the ion cooler to be operated as a single system or split into multiple radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) sections, which gives us more control of the ion energy. Within the RF circuit, the additional inductivity can be continuously adjusted. This simplifies the trap’s adaptation for different frequencies.

Our presentation will cover a description of the new injection line and results from first experiments with the cooled ion beam and the characterization of the Paul trap using ion beams of Cl and Cu.

Keywords: ion cooler; laser photodetachment; anion; isobar suppression

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Köln