
Köln 2025 – scientific programme

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MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie

MS 9: Actinide Analysis

MS 9.1: Invited Talk

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 17:30–18:00, HS 2 Chemie

Development of chemical ionization methods based on plasma driven reactant ion production — •Thorsten Benter, Hendrik Kersten, and Walter Wißdorf — University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany

Earlier this year, the DPG/professional association mass spectrometry (MS), and the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) have reinitiated a collaboration initiative with the goal of fostering current and future research efforts regarding MS, particularly at research institutions, and providing a larger platform for the communication of related results. One tool in this collaboration is the mutual invitation of keynote speeches at the annual conferences of both societies; this contribution is the first in a hopefully long line of future DPG/DGMS interactions.

This talk begins with a brief outline of the current research efforts at the institute for pure and applied mass spectrometry (ipaMS) and the Physical and Theoretical chemistry (PTC) at the university of Wuppertal. We will then discuss selected applications of low to medium pressure, low power plasmas in recently developed chemical ionization (CI) methods used in MS. Some of these methods are tailored towards operation in highly specialized environments, e.g., atmospheric chemistry or semiconductor production research, whereas others have been commercialized, e.g., in the ecTOF of the Swiss company TOFWerk. The latter approach is discussed in more depth, as electron and chemical ionization is (uniquely) running in parallel, providing correlated molecular (CI) and structural (EI) mass spectrometric data.

Keywords: ionization methods; plasma; chemical ionization; electron ionization

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