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S: Social Events

Mo, 13:00–13:15 Kurt-Alder HS Chemie S 1: Opening of the Conference
Mo, 18:30–00:00 Herbrand's S 2: Welcome Evening
Di, 10:30–18:00 Foyer Physik S 3: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature
Di, 21:30–00:00 Affenfelsen S 4: jDPG Pub Crawl
Mi, 10:30–18:00 Foyer Physik S 5: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature
Do, 10:30–18:00 Foyer Physik S 6: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature
Do, 20:30–22:00 HS 3 Physik S 7: Picture a Scientist
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Köln