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AKPIK: Arbeitskreis Physik, moderne Informationstechnologie und Künstliche Intelligenz

AKPIK 5: Poster

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:00–16:30, P2

15:00 AKPIK 5.1 Photonic Matrix-Vector Multiplication at the Quantum Limit of single photons — •Mingwei Yang, Okan Akyüz, Felix Kübler, Konrad Tschernig, Xavi Barcons, Enrico Stoll, and Janik Wolters
15:00 AKPIK 5.2 Machine Learning Optimization of Chiral Photonic Nanostructures — •Davide Filippozzi, Nicolas Roy, Alexandre Mayer, and Arash Rahimi-Iman
15:00 AKPIK 5.3 Towards an ontology-based digital twin for graphene-based conductor materials — •Fabian Teichert, Leonhard Niemann, Florian Fuchs, Jörg Schuster, and Martin Köhne
15:00 AKPIK 5.4 Machine learning to resolve the structure: Perovskites and related materials — •Ekaterina Kneschaurek, Vladimir Starostin, Valentin Munteanu, Constantin Völter, Damian Balaz, Mikhail Romodin, Maik Hylinski, Dmitry Lapkin, Ivan Zaluzhnyy, Alexander Hinderhofer, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
15:00 AKPIK 5.5 Balancing the Cart-Pole: Deep Q-Networks vs. Echo State Networks — •Igor Polonskiy, Atreya Majumdar, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 AKPIK 5.6 Latent Measures of Memory and Stochasticity in Dynamical Systems: Murphy’s Law of Tumbling Toast — •Janine Graser, Atreya Majumdar, Kübra Kalkan, Ross Knapman, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 AKPIK 5.7 Measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity through spatial and temporal temperature gradients — •Junsheng Zhuo and Stephanie Lippmann
15:00 AKPIK 5.8 Deterministic Model of Multi-Agent Boltzmann Q-Learning: Transient Dynamics, Feedback Loops, and Non-Convergence — •David Goll, Jobst Heitzig, and Wolfram Barfuss
15:00 AKPIK 5.9 Noisy quantum computing of electronic structure of crystals — •Vojtěch Vašina, Ivana Miháliková, and Martin Friák
15:00 AKPIK 5.10 Advancing Digital Transformation in Research on Universe and Matter in GermanyMartin Erdmann, •Jan M. Bürger, Banjamin Fischer, Stefan Fröse, Judith Steinfeld, and Angela Warkentin
15:00 AKPIK 5.11 The graphene resonant metasurface substrate in near-zero refractive index regime to control the surface plasmon-polariton propagation length — •Zoya Eremenko
15:00 AKPIK 5.12 Development of a Parametric Design Program for Building Construction Elements using Artificial Intelligence — •Artem Burdin
15:00 AKPIK 5.13 Working group on physics, modern Information technologies and artificial Intelligence — •Adam Barakhoev
15:00 AKPIK 5.14 Autonomous Vehicles: Technologies and Challenges — •Nikita Timoshin
15:00 AKPIK 5.15 Experimental examination of the validity of the Turing test for considering Artificial Intelligence as having subjectivity — •Lev Gelbart and Alexey Iakovlev
15:00 AKPIK 5.16 Unmanned transportation in the field of cargo transportation and its contribution to industry. — •Alexey Platonov
15:00 AKPIK 5.17 Crawler-motor grader — •Vyacheslav Kharchevnikov
15:00 AKPIK 5.18 Development of a design solution for automating a set of tasks in the production preparation subsystem of an automated control system for a small construction company — •Tikhon Shabrov
15:00 AKPIK 5.19 Acceleration of crystal structure relaxation with Deep Reinforcement Learning — •Elena Trukhan, Efim Mazhnik, and Artem R. Oganov
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg