Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 10: Focus Session: Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems I (joint session DY/BP)
BP 10.6: Talk
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 11:00–11:15, H43
How inter-particle interaction affects two species transport in nano-channels — •Wolfgang Bauer — Dept. of Internal Medicine I, UKW, Würzburg, Germany
Channel transport mechanisms of multiple species is essential for cell physiology and nanotechnology. Here, we present a model maintaining spatial correlations of two species, moving away from mean field approaches. The spatial occupations of the channel give the state space, where local flux and entropy production determine channel transport and its thermodynamic efficiency. Optimal transport coupling between species occurs in an attractive empty channel and strong repulsive forces between particles of the same species. This confines state space to a circular topology with concentration gradients of the two species acting as thermodynamic driving forces in series. For opposing gradients, the species with the stronger gradient produces positive entropy, while the other negative entropy. Attenuating the repulsive force within one species and maintaining that of the other adds a bypass path on the circular topology in state space. This enables a leak flow of the less repulsive species parallel to its gradient, generating local positive entropy on the bypass. For a certain range of opposing gradients, both species can produce positive overall entropy simultaneously. However, the rectifying potential of the concentration gradient of the species with bypass option is diminished, i.e. it cannot rectify flow of the other species above a threshold of the latter's opposing gradient. Vice versa the flow of the species with bypass option may always be rectified parallel to the concentration gradient of the other.
Keywords: thermodynamics; channel transport; cooperative phenomena; stochastic thermodynamics