
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik

BP 14: Poster Session I

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 10:00–12:30, P3

Bacterial biophysics, computational biophysics, membranes and vesicles, synthetic life-like systems and origin of life, systems and networks biophysics

10:00 BP 14.1 The Role of Localized Metabolic Activity in Streptomyces Hyphae: An Agent-Based Approach — •Ricardo Santander, Denis Iliasov, Thorsten Mascher, and Vasily Zaburdaev
10:00 BP 14.2 Optically driven thermofluidic assembly of bacteria — •Desmond Joseph Quinn, Selina Hanisch, Rohan Karande, and Frank Cichos
10:00 BP 14.3 Growth and characterization of MoS2 nanowalls on Ti-based bone implants — •Rania Ennaciri, Axel Printschler, Christof Neumann, and Andrey Turchanin
10:00 BP 14.4 Infrared Hyperspectral Mapping of Biofilms Growing in Confinement — •Felix Hermann Patzschke, Valentina Schmitz, Rohan Karande, and Frank Cichos
10:00 BP 14.5 Self-Organized Colonization Resistance without Physical Barriers — •Christian Westendorf, Valentin Slepukhin, Birgit Koch, Victor Peris, and Oskar Hallatschek
10:00 BP 14.6 Comparing graphene and 2D MoS2 nanopores for protein translocation and detection — •Peijia Wei, Mayukh Kansari, and Maria Fyta
10:00 BP 14.7 Exploring coarse graining RNA force fields via Machine Learning — •Anton Dorn and Alexander Schug
10:00 BP 14.8 Parameterization of a dissipative particle dynamics thermostat (DPD) thermostat for coarse-grained molecular dynamics — •Karan Venkatesh, Viktor Klippenstein, and Nico F. A. van der Vegt
10:00 BP 14.9 Leveraging Experimental Vasculature Data for High Resolution Brain Tumor Simulations — •Eric Behle, Julian Herold, and Alexander Schug
10:00 BP 14.10 Boundary integral method for elastic solids in Stokes flow and applications in real-time deformability cytometry — •Thomas Mayr and Stephan Gekle
10:00 BP 14.11 Mathematical Modeling of Intercellular Calcium Waves in Fibroblast Networks — •Kara Nachtnebel
10:00 BP 14.12 coarse-grained simulations of Lge1(1-80) peptide. — •Agaya Johnson, Anton Polyansky, Pedro Sanchez, Bojan Zagrovic, and Sofia Kantorovich
10:00 BP 14.13 Optimizing a Biomimetic Cross-Flow Microplastics Filter Inspired by Manta Rays — •Ioannis Gkekas and Tim Robertino Baumann
10:00 BP 14.14 Autonomous, intrinsic circadian oscillator at cell membranes — •Mauro Ariel Forlino, Oreste Piro, and Martín García
10:00 BP 14.15 Influence of the sapogenin gypsogenin on vesicles from 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) — •Melanie Gettinger, Yvonne Hannappel, and Thomas Hellweg
10:00 BP 14.16 Properties of Long-Chain Lipid Enriched Regions in Biological Membranes: Insights from MD Simulations — •Annemarie Quas, Clara Rickhoff, and Andreas Heuer
10:00 BP 14.17 G-FETs for label-free biosensing of protein interactions — •Florian Steinbach, Mykola Fomin, Margarete Schwirblat, and Carola Meyer
10:00 BP 14.18 Theory of spatial aggregation and shell formation — •Pranay Jaiswal, Ivar Haugerud, and Christoph Weber
10:00 BP 14.19 Cell-free protein synthesis measured in flowing nanolitre-dropletsBenno Schedler, Alexandros Katranidis, and •Jörg Fitter
10:00 BP 14.20 Enhancing polymerization of prebiotic building blocks by wet-dry cycling — •Almuth Schmid and Dieter Braun
10:00 BP 14.21 Phase-separation enhances sequence selection via templated ligation — •Manav Koul, Ivar Haugerud, and Christoph Weber
10:00 BP 14.22 Phase Transitions in Non-Hydrated DPPC Lipid Bilayers Deposited on Silicon: Effects of Dry Nitrogen Atmosphere and Thermal Cycling — •Nicolás Moraga, Daniel Saavedra, Nancy Gomez-Vierling, Marcelo A. Cisternas, María José Retamal, and Ulrich G. Volkmann
10:00 BP 14.23 Cooperative Effects in Compartmentalized Irreversible Self-Assembly — •Severin Angerpointner, Richard Swiderski, and Erwin Frey
10:00 BP 14.24 Mathematical modelling of immune response on the example of psoriasis — •Nadezhda Esenkova, Lukas Pöschl, Gerard C. L. Wong, and Vasily Zaburdaev
10:00 BP 14.25 Formation of thermally driven pH gradients from salts — •Riccardo Schiroli, Thomas Matreux, and Christof B. Mast
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg