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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 17: Poster Session II
BP 17.61: Poster
Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:00–20:30, P4
Electron spin dynamics during MW pulses studied by 94 GHz chirp and phase-modulated EPR experiments — •Marvin Lenjer1,2, Nino Will3, Fabian Hecker4, and Marina Bennati1,2 — 1MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences — 2Georg August University Göttingen — 3Aarhus University — 4Danish Technical University
Over the last decade, shaped microwave (MW) pulses have evolved into valuable tools for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. They have been used to improve existing experiments by providing tunable broadband or band-selective frequency profiles as well as to design new experimental approaches. However, most applications were done at low fields (X- or Q-band) where high MW powers are available.
Here, we show the implementation of chirped and phase modulated pulses at a commercial Bruker E680 W-band (94 GHz) EPR spectrometer using a SpinJet arbitrary waveform generator. We apply these novel experimental tools to the analysis of spin dynamics during MW spin lock pulses. We measure inversion profiles in the intermediate regime between Rabi oscillations and saturation pulses via chirp echo EPR spectroscopy and analyze spin-spin relaxation during spin locking (i.e. T2ρ) via phase modulation echoes during spin lock. Combination with density matrix simulations allows us to better understand electron spin evolution during long periods of MW irradiation. Altogether, these results promise future advances in design and applicability of hyperfine spectroscopy at high fields by use of spin locks and shaped pulses.
Keywords: EPR; Shaped pulses