Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 17: Poster Session II
BP 17.75: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 18:00–20:30, P4
Adjustable tension in reconstituted heart muscle tissue to mimic physiological mechanical environment changes — •Anna Mukhina1, Till Muenker1, Mattias Luber1, Arne Hofemeier2, Bruno Schmelz1, and Timo Betz1 — 1Third Institute of Physics - Biophysics, University of Goettingen — 2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Medical Center Goettingen
The development of in vitro 3D muscle tissues is critical for studying muscle physiology, disease mechanisms, and drug responses. PMMA tissue chambers provide structural support for myogenic cells embedded in a 3D ECM scaffold, enabling organization into aligned myotubes resembling natural muscle tissue. Tissue self-organizes around posts of known stiffness, with muscle strength assessed via post-deflection during contraction. This project introduces a piezo-driven actuator into the PMMA chamber for external manipulation of tissue tension. Combining actuators with a direct readout of posts’ positions enables feedback control to emulate diverse mechanical environments. This innovation investigates how varying mechanical loads influence muscle development, adaptation, and therapeutic responses.
The project involves: (1) design and integration of a piezo actuator system, using CAD and Labview for construction and feedback control; (2) validating the modified chamber with engineered human myocardium (EHM) derived from iPSCs, exposed to defined mechanical stresses to mimic physiological and pathological loads. Functional and morphological outcomes are assessed via post deflection analysis and fluorescence imaging, advancing insights into muscle biomechanics.
Keywords: 3D muscle tissue; Muscle physiology; Mechanical environment; Mechanical load; Tension