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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik

BP 18: Tissue Mechanics

BP 18.11: Vortrag

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 12:30–12:45, H44

Growth control in development and regeneration in the zebrafish pectoral fin — •Maximilian Kotz1,2, Lucas de Oliveira Petrocchi Ribas1,3, Shivani G. Ramkumar1,3, Rita Mateus1,3, and Benjamin M. Friedrich1,21PoL, Dresden, Germany — 2cfaed, Dresden, Germany — 3MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany

Although all multicellular organisms can develop from a single cell, only few organism can regenerate lost body parts in adulthood. If it as an open question whether the mechanisms controlling growth in regeneration are the same as those in development. We combine theory and experiment to address this question using the pectoral fin of zebrafish as a model system. As a novel paradigm, we compare unperturbed development and regeneration after partial amputation during development. To quantify growth, we developed machine learning-based image analysis pipelines and introduce a curvilinear coordinate system to describe the geometry of the tissue. Tissue samples from different individuals became comparable by defining diffeomorphisms that minimize an elastic pseudo-energy, which enables a rigorous statistical comparison of proliferation rates, shape changes and even morphogen gradients. This quantification revealed that volume growth is driven by distinct processes. In particular, growth along the different body axes is markedly different, with thickness growth apparently uncoupled from in-plane growth. To identify the underlying mechanisms of growth control, we probe predictions from different mathematical models by investigating different amputation scenarios, along with genetic or pharmacological perturbations.

Keywords: Zebrafish; Regeneration; Growth; Morphogens; Image analysis

100% | Bildschirmansicht | English Version | Kontakt/Impressum/Datenschutz
DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg