
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik

BP 19: Membranes and Vesicles II

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 09:30–13:00, H46

09:30 BP 19.1 Atomistic Insights into pH-Dependent Structural Transitions in Lipid Mesophases: A Combined MD/SAXS Approach — •Akhil Sudarsan, Julian Philipp, Joachim Rädler, and Nadine Schwierz
09:45 BP 19.2 The effect of long-chain sphingolipids on lipid bilayers — •Clara Rickhoff, Annemarie Quas, and Andreas Heuer
10:00 BP 19.3 Modelling Wave Propagation on Monolayers — •Philipp Zolthoff and Jan Kierfeld
10:15 BP 19.4 Vesicle to bicelle decomposition can be correlated with the lipid’s main phase transition: a direct evidence using chain-deuterated lipid — •Carina Dargel, Lara H. Moleiro, Aurel Radulescu, Tim J. Stank, and Thomas Hellweg
10:30 BP 19.5 Exploring DNA Linkers for Biomimetic Cell Adhesion of Red Blood Cells — •Sebastian W. Krauss, Roger Rubio-Sánchez, Bortolo M. Mognetti, Lorenzo Di Michele, and Pietro Cicuta
10:45 BP 19.6 Investigating Endosomal Escape Mechanisms of PEI-DNA Polyplexes with Computer Simulations — •Jonas Lehnen, Friederike Schmid, and Giovanni Settanni
11:00 BP 19.7 Modeling endosomal membrane budding patterns — •Felix Frey and Andela Saric
  11:15 15 min. break
11:30 BP 19.8 Hauptvortrag: Rolling vesicles: From confined rotational flows to surface-enabled motion — •Laura R. Arriaga, Paula Magrinya, Pablo Palacios, Pablo Llombart, Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Juan L. Aragones
12:00 BP 19.9 Dynamics of a microswimmer near a deformable boundary — •Sagnik Garai, Ursy Makanga, Akhil Varma, and Christina Kurzthaler
12:15 BP 19.10 Uptake of microgels by membrane wrapping — •Tanwi Debnath, Jiarul Midya, Thorsten Auth, and Gerhard Gompper
12:30 BP 19.11 Shaping Cellular Interfaces — •Susanne Liese, Xueping Zhao, Tiemei Lu, Marcel Mokbel, Sebastian Aland, Evan Spruijt, Frank Jülicher, and Christoph Weber
12:45 BP 19.12 Biomolecular condensates wetting membranes - dynamical insights from numerical simulations — •Sebastian Aland
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg