
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik

BP 27: Focus Session Chemical Imaging for the Elucidation of Molecular Structure I (joint session O/BP)

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:00–17:30, H24

Unravelling the multiscale molecular heterogeneity at interfaces is one of the main challenges in modern biophysics and surface science due to the major role specific structural properties play in determining their macroscopic function and behavior. In the last few decades, several specialized chemical imaging techniques have been developed that can reveal many of these crucial structural details, representing an enormous advance in our elucidative capabilities. Clear examples of this range from super-resolution and 3D tomography to tag-free characterization down to the single-molecule level. This focus session will explore the vast range of methods and possibilities for characterizing the different structural aspects in heterogeneous molecular systems and specifically highlight the potential complementarity of the different techniques through multi-modal approaches. Overall, by bringing together different communities, this session aims to foster scientific exchanges that could spark the next major developments in chemical imaging.

Organized by
Martin Thämer (FHI Berlin), Alexander Fellows (FHI Berlin), and Kerstin Blank (University Linz)

15:00 BP 27.1 Hauptvortrag: Infrared Nanoscopy and Tomography of Intracellular Structures — •Joachim Heberle, Katerina Kanevche, Emmanuel Pfitzner, David Burr, Janina Drauschke, Andreas Elsaesser, and Jacek Kozuch
15:30 BP 27.2 Hauptvortrag: Coherent Raman Imaging — •Michael Schmitt and Juergen Popp
16:00 BP 27.3 Hauptvortrag: Sum Frequency Generation Microscopy of Electrochemical Interfaces — •Steven Baldelli
16:30 BP 27.4 Elucidating the Composition, Order, and 3D Molecular Orientation of Thin Films with Phase-Resolved Sum-Frequency Generation Microscopy — •Alexander Fellows, Ben John, Martin Wolf, and Martin Thämer
16:45 BP 27.5 Low temperature multimode atomic force microscopy using an active MEMS cantileverMichael G. Ruppert, Miguel Wiche, André Schirmeisen, and •Daniel Ebeling
17:00 BP 27.6 Instrumentation for high-resolution biomolecule imaging enabled by electrospray ion beam deposition (ES-IBD) — •Lukas Eriksson, Tim Esser, and Stephan Rauschenbach
17:15 BP 27.7 LFM study of copper oxide — •Sophia Schweiss, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg