Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 28: Microswimmers and Microfluidics (joint session DY/BP/CPP)
BP 28.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:30–15:45, H37
Regulated polarization of active particles in local osmotic flow fields — •Lisa Rohde, Desmond Quinn, Diptabrata Paul, and Frank Cichos — Molecular Nanophotonics Group, Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, University Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Regulation in living systems is a fundamental principle for achieving robust functionality and maintaining specific non-equilibrium states. The control of certain properties and functionalities of systems on the microscale presents particular challenge since thermal fluctuations and environmental perturbations dominate. While synthetic active matter has demonstrated remarkable self-organization capabilities, examples of autonomous regulation processes at the single-particle level remain scarce. Here, we show experimentally that the interplay of two non-equilibrium processes leads to a regulated polarization state of active particles in local osmotic flow fields. Based on thermophoretic repulsive and attractive forces that are generated by a single heat source at the boundary, the active particles encircle the heat source at a stable distance depending on the heat source temperature. The balance of these temperature-induced processes causes a polarization of the active particles that is independent of the heat source temperature. The individual control of heat source and active particles in the experiment allows detailed investigation of the self-regulated polarization effect in which we find hydrodynamic interactions to dominate. As the effects rely on osmotic flows and phoretic interactions, we expect that the observed phenomena can be generalized to other active systems and flow fields.
Keywords: active particles; hydrodynamic flow fields