Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 33: Focus Session Chemical Imaging for the Elucidation of Molecular Structure II (joint session O/BP)
BP 33.2: Invited Talk
Friday, March 21, 2025, 11:00–11:30, H24
MALDI mass spectrometry imaging: application examples ranging from food analysis to pharmaceutical research — •Andreas Römpp — Bioanalytical Sciences and Food Analysis, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Mass spectrometry imaging is an analytical technique that provides spatially-resolved molecular information for a wide range of compound classes. In contrast to many histological methods, it does not require labeling. The capabilities and limitations of MS imaging will be discussed on the basis of several application areas with a focus on food analysis and pharmaceutical research. In our study 'MALDI mass spectrometry imaging: from constituents in fresh food to ingredients, contaminants and additives in processed food' ( we analyzed a range of plant-based and meat-based food. The analysis of natamycin in cheese and acrylamide in gingerbread constitute the first mass spectrometry imaging measurements of a food additive and a food contaminant, respectively. MS imaging is the only method that can analyze the distribution of drug compounds in animal models or human tissue (without labeling). This is exemplified on the detection of anti-tuberculosis drugs in mouse model tissue including our most recent study on the clinical stage antibiotic BTZ-043 which has just been accepted for publication in Nature Communications (
Keywords: mass spectrometry imaging; food analysis; antibiotics; data analysis; high resolution mass spectrometry