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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 31: Responsive and Adaptive Polymers

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 16:15–18:00, H38

16:15 CPP 31.1 Hauptvortrag: Moving with minimum effort – Optimal work protocols for systems with memory — •Sarah Loos, Samuel Monter, Felix Ginot, and Clemens Bechinger
16:45 CPP 31.2 Influence of Azobenzene Moieties on the Swelling Behavior of Poly(Dimethylacrylamide) Films in Water Vapor under UV-Irradiation — •David P. Kosbahn, Julija Reitenbach, Morgan P. Le Dû, Lukas V. Spanier, René Steinbrecher, André Laschewsky, Robert Cubitt, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:00 CPP 31.3 Critical analysis of adhesion work measurements from AFM-based techniques for soft contactDmitrii Sychev, Simon Schubotz, Quinn A. Besford, Andreas Fery, and •Günter K. Auernhammer
17:15 CPP 31.4 Chain conformation of thermo- and photo-responsive polymers — •Peiran Zhang, René Steinbrecher, Cy M. Jeffries, André Laschewsky, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, and Christine M. Papadakis
17:30 CPP 31.5 Acoustic levitation for dynamic studies of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels at the air-water interface — •Atieh Razavi, Regine von Klitzing, Romain Bordes, and Amin Rahimzadeh
17:45 CPP 31.6 Structure and dynamics in injectable hydrogels from thermoresponsive triblock terpolymers — •Feifei Zheng, Pablo A. Álvarez Herrera, Wenqi Xu, Joachim Kohlbrecher, Sohila Abdelhafiz, Anna P. Constantinou, Theoni Georgiou, Aristide Dogariu, and Christine M. Papadakis
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg