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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 32: Poster Session II
CPP 32.30: Poster
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 09:30–12:00, P3
Green synthesis of nanocellulose for archaeological wood preservation: a case study of cheops' second solar boat — •Ihab Abdelbaki — Cairo University, Egypt
The preservation of ancient wooden artifacts presents significant challenges due to environmental degradation and biological deterioration. This study addresses these challenges through the development of an eco-friendly nanocellulose-based preservation method, specifically targeting the deterioration observed in the second solar boat of king khufu (cheops), one of egypt's most significant archaeological wooden artifacts. Nanocellulose was synthesized via a green approach using controlled acid hydrolysis of agricultural waste cellulose, followed by mechanical ultrasonication. the degradation assessment of the second solar boat revealed severe biological infestation, structural weakening, and dimensional instability, particularly in areas exposed to fluctuating humidity levels. The prepared nanocellulose, characterized by TEM, FTIR and XRD, exhibited crystallite sizes of 20-30 nm and a crystallinity index of 82%. when applied to degraded wood samples from similar archaeological contexts, the nanocellulose treatment demonstrated significant improvements in mechanical strength (40% increase), dimensional stability (65% reduction in swelling), and biological resistance. Importantly, the treatment maintained the artifact's aesthetic and historical integrity while providing a sustainable, reversible preservation solution. this study presents a promising green approach for the conservation of ancient wooden artifacts, offering implications for cultural heritage preservation worldwide.
Keywords: solar boat; nanocellulose; preservation of wood; sustainable preservation; ancient egypt