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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 33: Modeling and Simulation of Soft Matter IV
CPP 33.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 12:45–13:00, H34
Effect of solid fillers on the thermodynamics and electrical properties of diblock copolymers and polymer blends. — •Alexander Chervanyov — University of Münster, Münster, Germany.
By making use of the developed theory we study the effect of solid fillers on the thermodynamics, phase behaviour and electrical properties of diblock copolymers (DBC) and polymer blends (PB). The theory relies on the combination of the liquid state approach, phase-field model for polymers, Monte-Carlo simulations, and the resistor random network model for fillers. Using the developed approach, we prove that the correlations imposed by the variations of the composition of PB cause a significant non-osmotic contribution to the polymer mediated interaction between fillers immersed in this blend. The effect of fillers on the stability and miscibility of compressible PB is studied in detail. We show that the presence of non-adsorbing fillers can be used to enhance the stability of a PB that shows low critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior. Finally, as an important practical application of the developed theory, we study the electrical response of an insulating DBC filled with conduictive fillers. In particular, the order-disorder transition in the host DBC system is found to be accompanied by the conductor-insulator transition in the filler network. The order-order transition between the lamella and cylindrical microphases of DBC proves to co-occur with a spike of the composite conductivity caused by restructuring of the conductive filler network.
Keywords: fillers; polymer blends; diblock copolymers