
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 43: Droplets, Wetting, Complex Fluids, and Soft Matter (joint session DY/CPP)

CPP 43.3: Talk

Friday, March 21, 2025, 10:15–10:30, H47

Impact of the history force on the motion of droplets in shaken liquids — •Frederik Gareis and Walter Zimmermann — Theoretical Physics, University of Bayreuth

The Basset-Boussinesq history (BBH) force acts on droplets and solid particles in flows, alongside stationary viscous friction, inertia, and gravitational forces. This force arises from vortex shedding around objects undergoing unsteady acceleration. In this study, we analytically calculate the BBH force for spherical, sedimenting heavy particles in horizontally shaken (periodically accelerated) fluids at low Reynolds numbers and identify the parameter ranges where BBH effects are significant. Our results reveal that BBH can increase particle displacement amplitude by over 60 percent, particularly in the transition region between the low-frequency viscous Stokes regime and the high-frequency inertia-dominated regime. Additionally, we derive a power law for the oscillatory displacement amplitude of a particle around its mean position in a horizontally shaken fluid, facilitating clear experimental identification of BBH effects.

Keywords: Dynamics of droplets and particles in flows

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