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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik

CPP 4: Crystallization, Nucleation and Self-Assembly I

Montag, 17. März 2025, 11:30–13:00, H34

11:30 CPP 4.1 Confined crystallization for studying kinetics and crystal orientation of interface-induced polymer crystallization — •Marthinus van Niekerk, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, and Oleksandr Dolynchuk
11:45 CPP 4.2 Liquid crystalline ordering of conjugated polymers at the vacuum interfaceAnton Sinner, Alexander Johannes Much, and •Oleksandr Dolynchuk
12:00 CPP 4.3 How Aqueous Solutions of Low-end Mono-alcohols Crystallize? — •Vasileios Moschos and George Floudas
12:15 CPP 4.4 Intra-crystalline chain diffusion, semicrystalline morphology and mechanical modulus of selected aliphatic polyesters — •Qiang Yu, Albrecht Pezold, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
12:30 CPP 4.5 Self-assembled Peptides Structure Mediated by Solid Interfaces — •Leila Sahebmohammadi, Pol Besenius, Markus Mezger, and Regine von Klitzing
12:45 CPP 4.6 Crystallization and Pseudo-Isodimorphism in Statistical Co-Polythiophenes — •Alexander Johannes Much, Jakob Boris Günther Danziger, Qian Wang, Michael Sommer, and Oleksandr Dolynchuk
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg