
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten

DS 13: Poster

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1

18:00 DS 13.1 Establishing Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy as predictor for CISS in molecular thin films — •Franziska Schölzel, Dominik Hornig, Lokesh Rasabathina, Olav Hellwig, Michael Mehring, and Georgeta Salvan
18:00 DS 13.2 Wannier description using CP2K — •Nisarg Trivedi, Maximilian F. X. Dorfner, and Frank Ortmann
18:00 DS 13.3 Geometry and electronics of helical nanostructures — •Faezeh Shabani, Sibylle Gemming, Florian Günther, Jeffrey Kelling, Hadis Ghodrati Saeini, Christoph Tegenkamp, Thi Ngoc Ha Nguyen, and Georg Kuenze
18:00 DS 13.4 local charge transport properties of n-type organic semiconductor films based on T2-(NDI-T2)2 — •Zihao Liu, Hajar Komekoz, Nisarg Trivedi, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, Michael Sommer, Frank Ortmann, and Georgeta Salvan
18:00 DS 13.5 A graph-theoretical approach to spin-polarised quantum walks in chiral environment — •Saba Arshad, Sibylle Gemming, and Shahid Iqbal
18:00 DS 13.6 Self-Assembly Kinetics of Polyalanine α-helix Monolayers: Insights from Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations — •Hadis Ghodrati Saeini, Thi Ngoc Ha Nguyen, Faezeh Shabani, Olav Hellwig, Christoph Tegenkamp, Sibylle Gemming, Florian Günther, and Jeffrey Kelling
18:00 DS 13.7 Simulation of self-assembled polyalanine α-helices films: Development and application of an empirical potentialKevin Preis, Hadis Ghodrati Saeini, Christoph Tegenkamp, Sibylle Gemming, Jeffrey Kelling, and •Florian Günther
18:00 DS 13.8 Thin films of atomically precise chiral bismuth oxido nanoclusters — •Dominik Hornig, Rico Thomas, Annika Morgenstern, Franziska Schölzel, Thi Ngoc Ha Nguyen, Christoph Tegenkamp, Georgeta Salvan, and Michael Mehring
18:00 DS 13.9 Twist angle dependent proximity induced spin-orbit-coupling in graphene/NbSe2 heterostructures — •Thomas Naimer, Martin Gmitra, and Jaroslav Fabian
18:00 DS 13.10 Wet-Chemical Transfer and Post Characterization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Grown on Ge(001)/Si Substrates — •Monika Choudhary, Max Franck, Daniele Capista, Rasuole Lukose, Christian Wenger, and Mindaugas Lukosius
18:00 DS 13.11 Tuning the electronic structure of MoSe2 through molecular adsorbates — •Carolin Sabrina Schüle, Joschua Büble, and Heiko Peisert
18:00 DS 13.12 Synthesis of MoS2 films for electronic and optoelectronic device applications — •Axel Printschler, Md Tarik Hossain, Julian Picker, Christof Neumann, and Andrey Turchanin
18:00 DS 13.13 Conventional and nanoscale NMR investigation of NbSe2 for various temperatures, magnetic field strengths and orientations — •Mokessh Kannah Ciwan, Marcel Martin, Jakob Nachtigal, Yejin Lee, Nicola Poccia, Uri Vool, Jürgen Haase, and Nabeel Aslam
18:00 DS 13.14 A Hybrid Organic-hBN Platform for Quantum Sensing — •Xuan-Kai Zhou, Yan-Tung Kong, Ruo-Ming Peng, and Jörg Wrachtrup
18:00 DS 13.15 Towards infrared photodetection with an ultra-low carrier density moiré superconductorGiorgio Di Battista, •Leon G. Schubert, Kin Chung Fong, Andrés Díez-Carlón, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Dmitri K. Efetov
18:00 DS 13.16 Qauntum anomalous Hall effect in Cr-doped BST — •Edoardo Tosi, Gertjan Lippertz, Anjana Uday, Bibek Bhujel, Alexey Taskin, Marco Moretti, and Yoichi Ando
18:00 DS 13.17 VO2 oscillator with advanced neuron-like feature originating from blinking filament — •Zhong Wang, Kajal Tiwari, Yishen Xie, Jae-Chun Jeon, Ke Xiao, and Stuart Parkin
18:00 DS 13.18 Advanced modeling of X-ray reflectivity for metallic multilayer systems with GenX 3 — •Rico Ehrler and Olav Hellwig
18:00 DS 13.19 In-Situ XAS study of ZnO and Mn-ZnO thin films — •Sulaiman Al Salem, Sreeju Sreekantan Nair Lalithambika1, Shagun Thakur, Simone Techert, and Christian Jooss
18:00 DS 13.20 Martensitic Transformation in Ultrathin Layered Stacks of Fe85Ni15 and Fe71Ni29 — •Nancy Töws, Pascal Strathkötter, Roland Schubert, Inga Ennen, Judith Bünte, Laila Bondzio, Dario Stierl, and Andreas Hütten
18:00 DS 13.21 Structural and electronical investigation of the Electrode/MoS2 interface by electron microscopy and photoemission — •Eric Juriatti, Christoph Späth, Heiko Peisert, and Marcus Scheele
18:00 DS 13.22 Transition metal oxide doped ZnO films for electro-synthesis — •Shagun Thakur, Pia Henning, and Jasnamol Palakkal
18:00 DS 13.23 Tuning high-TC ferromagnetism and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in van der Waals magnet Cr1+δTe2 — •Laura Pflügl, Pia Henning, Anna Tschesche, and Jasnamol Palakkal
18:00 DS 13.24 Investigating interfacial mechanisms and switching behavior in GST-124/Sb2Te3 superlattices using Atom Probe Tomography — •Athanasia Piperidou, Jan Köttgen, Lucas Bothe, Lukas Conrads, Yuan Yu, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.25 Deposition of Medium-Entropy Telluride Thin Films via Hybrid Pulsed Laser Deposition — •Niklas Kohlrautz, Pia Henning, and Jasnamol Palakkal
18:00 DS 13.26 Thin Film Effects in Ultra-thin, MBE-grown In2Te3-Films — •Lucas Bothe, Maximilian Buchta, Felix Hoff, Timo Veslin, Christoph Ringkamp, Ka Lai Mak, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.27 The interface wz-GaN/rs-ScN studied by depth profiling photoelectron spectroscopyFabian Ullmann and •Stefan Krischok
18:00 DS 13.28 Deposition of Cr self-intercalated Cr1+δTe2 thin films by Hybrid Pulsed Laser Deposition — •Pia Henning, Laura Pflügl, Anna Tschesche, Tobias Meyer, and Jasnamol Palakkal
18:00 DS 13.29 Investigating Lateral Molecular Heterogeneity with Phase-Resolved Vibrational SFG Microscopy — •ben john, alexander p. fellows, tuhin khan, martin wolf, and martin thämer
18:00 DS 13.30 Structural and optical properties of β- Ga2O3 thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis — •Polina Shamrovska, Oleksandr Selyshchev, Narmina Balayeva, Volodymyr Kudin, and Dietrich Zahn
18:00 DS 13.31 "Green" Aqueous Synthesis and Characterization of Cu2NiSnS4 and Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystal Thin Films — •Oleksandra Ivakhno-Tsehelnyk, Oleksandr Selyshchev, Serhiy Kondratenko, Volodymyr Dzhagan, Lukas Hertling, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
18:00 DS 13.32 An in-situ µGISAXS growth study of CoFeB thin film on ion beam sculptured Si template — •Vishnu Narayan Manoj Kumar, Praveen Kumar Dubey, Prasanta Karmakar, Kristian A Reck, Benedikt Sochor, Yusuf Bulut, Thomas Strunskus, Franz Faupel, Stephan V Roth, Peter Müller Buschbaum, Ajay Gupta, and Sarathlal Koyiloth Vayalil
18:00 DS 13.33 Structure evolution of multi-component Ti-Nb-Zr-based thin films with Ag addition during heat treatment — •Anna Benediktová, Lucie Nedvědová, Zdeněk Jansa, Palaniappan Subramanian, Michal Procházka, and Ján Minár
18:00 DS 13.34 Microscale Domain Structures in AlScN Thin Films — •Ella Dieball, Nicolas Hayen, Otto Lippmann, Philipp Jordt, Niklas Wolff, Lorenz Kienle, Fabian Westermeier, Michael Sprung, and Bridget Murphy
18:00 DS 13.35 In Operando Grazing Incidence Diffraction in AlScN Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors — •Otto Carlos Lippmann, Nicolas Hayen, Philipp Jordt, Jana Meyer, Fabian Lofink, Henrik Wolframm, Didier Wermeille, Laurence Bouchenoire, Florian Bertram, and Bridget Murphy
18:00 DS 13.36 Deterministic single ion-implantation of Er into thin film lithium niobate — •Maranatha Andalis, Reiner Schneider, and Klaus D. Jöns
18:00 DS 13.37 Impact of ITO electrodes on the electrical and optical properties of a smart window — •Rebecca Cizek, Florian Sutter, Stephan Heise, Kai Gehrke, Eckhard Lüpfert, and Robert Pitz-Paal
18:00 DS 13.38 Antibacterial activity of ZnO and Al doped ZnO nanocoatings — •Maria Stefanova, Dimitrina Petrova, Vladimira Videva, Dimitre Dimitrov, Nadia Todorova, and Vera Marinova
18:00 DS 13.39 Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Cooling — •Ohad Golan, Yossi Paltiel, and Ron Naaman
18:00 DS 13.40 NaCl-assisted TAC synthesis of MoSe2 films for optical humidity sensor applications — •Blagovest Napoleonov, Katerina Lazarova, Dimitrina Petrova, Vladimira Videva, Dimitre Dimitrov, and Vera Marinova
18:00 DS 13.41 Functionalization of Al-doped ZnO nanolayers for display applications — •Stefani Bogoeva, Vladimira Videva, Dimitrina Petrova, Vera Marinova, and Dimitre Dimitrov
18:00 DS 13.42 A high-field, high power instrument for (nonlinear) Terahertz Emission Spectroscopy — •Jonas Woeste, Nikola Stojanovic, Sergey Pavlov, Sergey Kovalev, and Michael Gensch
18:00 DS 13.43 Techno-Enviro-Economic Evaluation for Thin-film Solar Cells Integrated with Hybrid Renewable Energy System — •Tawfik Hussein
18:00 DS 13.44 Molecular packing and alignment of prototypical acenes in organic 2D-material heterostructures — •Jan Vincent Schreiber and Gregor Witte
18:00 DS 13.45 Spectroscopy of organic dye/TMDC heterostructures — •Christoph von der Oelsnitz, Julian Schröer, Tim Völzer, Tobias Korn, and Stefan Lochbrunner
18:00 DS 13.46 Substrate-driven Molecular Orientation of BQQDI-based Organic Thin Films — •Jeya Vishva Jeyaraj Pandian and Gregor Witte
18:00 DS 13.47 The influence of stoichiometry on molybdenum oxide-based memristors — •Katerina Maskanaki, Gion Kalemai, Evangelos K. Evangelou, and Anastasia Soultati
18:00 DS 13.48 In and ex situ detection of oxygen vacancies in HfO2 - advanced by PLD growth control and (HAX)PES spectroscopy — •Berk Yildirim, Seema Seema, Oliver Rehm, Pia Düring, Andreas Fuhrberg, Andrei Gloskovskii, Christoph Schlueter, and Martina Müller
18:00 DS 13.49 Oxygen vacancy mediated epitaxial superstructure thin film in tungsten sub-oxides — •Kyeong Jun Lee, Hyowon Seo, Yeong Gwang Kim, Yong-Jun Kwon, Bongju Kim, Minu Kim, Chan Ho Yang, Hyun Hwi Lee, Sang-youn Park, Gyungtae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Young Jun Chang, and Seo Hyoung Chang
  18:00 DS 13.50 The contribution has been moved to O 51.6.
18:00 DS 13.51 Resonance Raman and DFT analysis of structural and point defects in transparent conductive oxide SnO2:X (X=Ta, F) — •Lukas Prager, Carlos Romero Muñiz, Frans Munnik, Justus Haag, Ramon Escobar Galindo, and Matthias Krause
18:00 DS 13.52 Ion Beam Sputter Deposition of Aluminium oxide Thin Films for electronic applications — •Prakrthi Alankaru Narayana, Aurelio García-Valenzuela, Jens Zscharschuch, Charlotte Kielar, Holger Lange, Claudia Neisser, Thomas Seyller, and Artur Erbe
18:00 DS 13.53 Band gap engineering of SrNbO3 using anions — •Abhishek Sharma, Jasnamol Palakkal, and Christian Jooss
18:00 DS 13.54 Thickness dependence of transport in thin crystalline FeTe films — •Paul Zhuromskyy, Christian Stenz, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.55 Charge Density Waves and resulting properties of polycrystalline CuTe FilmsJohannes Holters, •Christian Stenz, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.56 Mechanical stress of Ge films upon ion irradiation — •Karla Paz Corrales, Aaron Reupert, Berit Marx-Glowna, Martin Hafermann, Elke Wendler, and Carsten Ronning
18:00 DS 13.57 Single-Phase Crystallization and Optimization for Optical and Electrical Properties of Sputtered In3SbTe2-SnTe Thin Films — •Zhengchao Zhu, Thomas Schmidt, Christian Stenz, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.58 Bond Confinement Induced Tayloring of Optical Properties — •Thomas Schmidt, Peter Kerres, Felix Hoff, Julian Mertens, Yiming Zhou, Maria Häser, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.59 Coherent Control of Optical Phonon Modes in Bi Thin Films Using Polarization and Double-Pulse Excitation — •Timo Veslin, Felix Hoff, Jonathan Frank, Felix Nöhl, Abdur Rehman Jalil, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.60 Ultra-fast exciton and charge carrier dynamics in monolayer MoS2 seen in the transient spatial dielectric function — •Jakob Seyfarth, Andy Engel, Noah Stiehm, Younes Slimi, Lucas Krätschmer, Markus Olbrich, Theo Pflug, Alexander Horn, Stefan Krischok, and Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund
18:00 DS 13.61 Anomalous Nernst effect in Fe-Ge-N thin films for power generation applications — •Robin Kidangan Paul, Imants Dirba, Oliver Gutfleisch, Jakub Vít, Petr Levinský, Kyo-Hoon Ahn, Karel Knížek, Markéta Jarošová, Jaroslav Kohout, Stanislav Mráz, Marcus Hans, and Jochen Schneider4
18:00 DS 13.62 Resolving crystalline domains in an amorphous matrix via APT — •Elias Hildebrand, Jan Köttgen, Ramon Pfeiffer, Yuan Yu, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.63 Electrical switching dynamics of Ge-Sb-Te alloys for phase-change memories — •Alexander Kiehn, Ramon Pfeiffer, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 DS 13.64 Tailoring Metavalent Materials: Exploring the Structural and Functional Properties of (GeTe)x(SnTe)1−x Alloys — •Jari Klinkmann, Lucas Bothe, Felix Hoff, and Matthias Wuttig
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg