Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 13: Poster
DS 13.26: Poster
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1
Thin Film Effects in Ultra-thin, MBE-grown In2Te3-Films — •Lucas Bothe1, Maximilian Buchta1, Felix Hoff2, Timo Veslin2, Christoph Ringkamp2, Ka Lai Mak1, and Matthias Wuttig1,2 — 1Peter Grünberg Institute - JARA-Institute Energy Efficient Information Technology (PGI-10), Jülich, Germany — 2I. Institute of Physics (IA), RWTH Aachen University, Germany
InSbTe (IST) as an unconventional Phase Change Material is of significant interest in recent years. However, the related binary compound In2Te3 is less studied. With its small direct band gap and high absorption coefficient, it is an interesting candidate for e.g. photodetectors.
Here, a thin film series of In2Te3 was fabricated employing Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) to achieve highly textured thin films. These films are characterized via XRD, RHEED and Raman spectroscopy. Next to the structural bulk values measured for the thickest In2Te3 sample, a decrease in the out-of-plane lattice constant by up to 0.4 A with decreasing film thickness is reported. The in-plane lattice constants however increase for thinner films. This trend with reduced film thickness contrasts known thin-film effects in metavalently bonded materials like Sb2Te3 or Bi, as In2Te3 is not expected to exhibit metavalency. Furthermore, the structural changes in the thin films are unlikely to arise from strain, given the Te-terminated Si surface promotes van der Waals growth, preventing alignment of the Si and In2Te3 in-plane lattice constants.
In addition, thickness-dependent vibrational properties were determined by Raman spectroscopy.
Keywords: MBE; In2Te3; RHEED; XRD; Raman