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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 13: Poster
DS 13.9: Poster
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1
Twist angle dependent proximity induced spin-orbit-coupling in graphene/NbSe2 heterostructures — •Thomas Naimer1, Martin Gmitra2, and Jaroslav Fabian1 — 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany — 2Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, 04001 Kosice, Slovakia
We investigate the effect of the twist angle on the proximity spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in graphene/niobium diselenide (Gr/NbSe2) heterostructures from first principles. The low energy Dirac cones of several different commensurate twisted supercells are fitted to a model Hamiltonian, allowing us to analyze the twist-angle dependency of the SOC in detail. This reveals the possibility to triple the Rashba SOC, when going from 0° to 30° twist angle. Furthermore, at a critical twist angle of 23° the in-plane spin structure acquires a significant radial component, enabling collinear charge-to-spin conversion. Analyzing the Dirac cone with respect to allowed Umklapp processes and orbital decomposition shines light on the observed twist angle dependencies. In addition we evaluate the potential for (collinear and perpendicular) charge-to-spin conversion in such heterostructures within linear response theory. All authors acknowledge support by the FLAG ERA JTC 2021 project 2DSOTECH. T. N. and J. F. were also supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program 881603 (Graphene Flagship). M.G. acknowledges additional financial support provided by the Slovak Research and Development Agency provided under Contract No. APVV-SK-CZ-RD-21-0114 and Slovak Academy of Sciences project IMPULZ IM-2021-42.
Keywords: graphene; spin-orbit coupling; proximity effects