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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten

DS 15: Organic Thin Films, Organic-Inorganic Interfaces

Freitag, 21. März 2025, 09:30–11:45, H3

09:30 DS 15.1 Hauptvortrag: Structure formation and growth at the metal-organic interface — •Peter Zeppenfeld
10:00 DS 15.2 Thin film heterostructures based on Co/Ni synthetic antiferromagnets on polymer tapes: towards a sustainable flexible spintronics — •Mariam Hassan, Sara Laureti, Christian Rinaldi, Federico Fagiani, Gianni Barucca, Manfred Albrecht, and Gaspare Varvaro
10:15 DS 15.3 highly crystalline, cleavable, and transferable semi-conducting 2D imine COF film — •diksha srivastava, vipin mishra, showkat h. mir, jyotirban dey, jayant k. singh, manabendra chandra, and thiruvancheril g. gopakumar
  10:30 session break
10:45 DS 15.4 Excited state dynamics in thin films of planar and twisted azaperopyrene derivatives — •Jakob Steidel, Robert Eichelmann, Jakob Sawatzki, Lutz Gade, and Petra Tegeder
11:00 DS 15.5 Thermally Tuning the Optical Properties of Discrete NDI-T2 Oligomer Thin Films — •Alexander Ehm, Fabian Eller, Meike Kuhn, Rukiya Matsidik, Michael Sommer, Eva M. Herzig, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
11:15 DS 15.6 Highly-Robust Double Neuromorphic Device Based on Perovskite/Molybdenum Oxide-Sulfide Compound Heterojunction — •Gion Kalemai, Michael-Alexandros Kourtis, Anastasia Soultati, Apostolos Verykios, Dimitris Davazoglou, and Maria Vasilopoulou
11:30 DS 15.7 Spatially resolved work-function manipulation of azobenzene-functionalized self-assembled monolayers by optical stimulationJan Böhnke, Beatrice Andres, Larissa Boie, Angela Richter, Cornelius Gahl, Martin Weinelt, and •Wibke Bronsch
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg