09:30 |
DY 13.1 |
Controlling Many-Body Quantum Chaos — •Lukas Beringer, Mathias Steinhuber, Juan Diego Urbina, Klaus Richter, and Steven Tomsovic
09:45 |
DY 13.2 |
Exact spectral function and nonequilibrium dynamics of the strongly interacting Hubbard model — Ovidiu I. Pâţu, •Andreas Klümper, and Angela Foerster
10:00 |
DY 13.3 |
Quantum many-body scars beyond the PXP model in Rydberg simulators — Aron Kerschbaumer, Marko Ljubotina, Maksym Serbyn, and •Jean-Yves Desaules
10:15 |
DY 13.4 |
Roughening dynamics of quantum interfaces — Wladislaw Krinitsin, •Niklas Tausendpfund, Matteo Rizzi, Markus Heyl, and Markus Schmitt
10:30 |
DY 13.5 |
Semigroup Influence Functionals for the Dynamics of Quantum Impurity Models — •Michael Sonner, Valentin Link, and Dmitry Abanin
10:45 |
DY 13.6 |
Quantum Fisher information of monitored random circuits — •Arnau Lira Solanilla, Xhek Turkeshi, and Silvia Pappalardi
11:00 |
DY 13.7 |
Entanglement in quantum circuits with SU(2) symmetry — •Tobias Dörstel and Michael Buchhold
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
DY 13.8 |
Generalized dual-unitary circuits from biunitarity — •Michael A. Rampp, Suhail A. Rather, and Pieter W. Claeys
11:45 |
DY 13.9 |
Magic spreading in doped Clifford circuits — •Jiangtian Yao and Pieter W. Claeys
12:00 |
DY 13.10 |
One magnon magnetization dynamics for the kagome lattice antiferromagnet — Henrik Schlüter, •Jannis Eckseler, and Jürgen Schnack
12:15 |
DY 13.11 |
Towards a Many-Body Generalization of the Wigner-Smith Time Delay — •Georg Maier, Carolyn Echter, Juan Diego Urbina, Caio Lewenkopf, and Klaus Richter
12:30 |
DY 13.12 |
Subleading logarithmic behavior in the parquet formalism — •Marcel Gievers, Richard Schmidt, Jan von Delft, and Fabian B. Kugler
12:45 |
DY 13.13 |
Ballistic transport in a disordered, boundary-driven XXZ spin chain. — •Johannes S Hofmann, Adam McRoberts, and Roderich Moessner