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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik
DY 19: Focus Session: Quantum Emission from Chaotic Microcavities (joint session HL/DY)
DY 19.5: Hauptvortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 11:45–12:15, H17
Nonlinear Phenomena in Exciton-Polaritons from Bound States in the Continuum — •Dario Ballarini — CNR-NANOTEC, Lecce, Italy
Exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities have demonstrated remarkable collective behaviors and nonlinear interactions. In this work, we introduce an alternative platform to study strong light-matter interactions within a waveguide configuration. Among other interesting phenomena and applications, such as dispersion engineering of waveguide exciton-polaritons or exciton tuning through the Stark effect [1,2], we highlight the demonstration of parametric nonlinearities, polariton lasing from bound-in-the-continuum (BIC) states, and the recent realization of polariton BICs operating at room temperature in 2D materials [3-5].
[1] Electrically controlled waveguide polariton laser, Optica 7, 1579 (2020). [2] Reconfigurable quantum fluid molecules of bound states in the continuum, Nature Physics 20, 61 (2024). [3] Polariton Bose-Einstein condensate from a bound state in the continuum, Nature 605, 447 (2022). [4] Emerging supersolidity from a polariton condensate in a photonic crystal waveguide, arXiv:2407.02373 (2024). [5] Strongly enhanced light-matter coupling of monolayer WS2 from a bound state in the continuum, Nature Materials 22, 964 (2023).
Keywords: Exciton-polaritons; Bound in the continuum; optical nonlinearity