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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 27: Poster: Nonlinear Dynamics, Pattern Formation, Granular Matter

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 15:00–18:00, P4

15:00 DY 27.1 Statistical field theory of linear spatio-temporally extended systems with multiplicative noise — •Frederik Gareis, David Aderbauer, and Michael Wilczek
15:00 DY 27.2 Identifying Change Points in Local Air Temperature Time Series — •Fatemeh Aghaei A., Ewan Thomas Phillips, and Holger Kantz
15:00 DY 27.3 Causal inference in nonlinear Covid-19 time series — •Adrian Pelcaru and Dirk Brockmann
15:00 DY 27.4 Numerical Differentiation by Integrated Series Expansion (NDBISE) in the Context of Ordinary Differential Equation Estimation Problems — •Oliver Strebel
15:00 DY 27.5 Origin of Frequency Clusters in Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators — •Yannick Schöhs, Nicolas Thomé, and Katharina Krischer
15:00 DY 27.6 Optimal Control of Fractional Bistable System — •Finn Biesterfeldt, Andreas Rauh, and Alexander K. Hartmann
15:00 DY 27.7 Phase separation with long-range interactions — •Filipe Thewes, Yicheng Qiang, Oliver Paulin, and David Zwicker
15:00 DY 27.8 Rapid Control of Soliton Dynamics in Dual-Comb Lasers via Intra-Cavity ModulationJulia Lang, •Simeon Schmitt, Luca Nimmesgern, Sarah Hutter, Alfred Leitenstorfer, and Georg Herink
15:00 DY 27.9 Driven BHD - onset of chaos and extendet KNH-Theorem — •Nico Fink, Viviane Bauer, and James Anglin
15:00 DY 27.10 QH plateau and CMB- CR near nontrivial zeros of the zeta function — •Otto Ziep
15:00 DY 27.11 Detection and Analysis of Topological Defgnetic Systems via Enhanced Topological Data Analysisects in Ma — •Kyra Klos, Karin Everschor-Sitte, and Friederike Schmid
15:00 DY 27.12 Force enhancement in-between suszeptible dipolar hard spheres - measurement vs computationAndree Smolla, Alexandros G. Sourais, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Andreas Boudouvis, and •Reinhard Richter
15:00 DY 27.13 Athermal jamming as a Manna class transition with a deterministic protocol — •Thomas Axmann, Mishael Derla, and Michael Schmiedeberg
15:00 DY 27.14 Self-assembly of Eiffel Towers out of a ferrogranular gas — •Matthias Biersack, Ali Lakkis, and Reinhard Richter
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg