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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 30: Quantum-Critical Phenomena (joint session TT/DY)

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 09:30–12:45, H31

09:30 DY 30.1 Missing Spectral Weight in a Paramagnetic Heavy-Fermion System — •Debankit Priyadarshi, Jingwen Li, Chia-Jung Yang, Ulli Pohl, Oliver Stockert, Hilbert von Löhneyesen, Shovon Pal, Manfred Fiebig, and Johann Kroha
09:45 DY 30.2 Terahertz Crystal Electric Field Transitions in a Kondo-Lattice Antiferromagnet — •Payel Shee, Chia-Jung Yang, Shishir Kumar Pandey, Ashis Kumar Nandy, Ruta Kulkarni, Arumugam Thamizhavel, Manfred Fiebig, and Shovon Pal
10:00 DY 30.3 Tuning a ferromagnetic quantum phase transition by interface engineering in artificial heterostructuresRobin Heumann, Robert Gruhl, Ludwig Scheuchenpflug, Leonard Schüler, Vasily Moshnyaga, and •Philipp Gegenwart
10:15 DY 30.4 Interplay of nematic fluctuations and transverse phonons near a nematic quantum critical point — •Morten H. Christensen, Michael Schütt, Avraham Klein, and Rafael M. Fernandes
10:30 DY 30.5 Chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu-Yukawa criticality: Honeycomb vs. SLAC fermions — •Thomas C. Lang and Andreas M. Läuchli
10:45 DY 30.6 Fractionalized multicriticality in Kitaev spin-orbital liquids — •Max Fornoville and Lukas Janssen
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 DY 30.7 One-loop perturbative structure of a (2+1)D bosonized non-Fermi liquid — •Parasar R. Thulasiram, Chris Hooley, and Roderich Moessner
11:30 DY 30.8 Exotic quantum criticality in Luttinger semimetals — •David Moser and Lukas Janssen
11:45 DY 30.9 Examination of the antiferromagnetic superradiant intermediate phase and the effects of geometrical frustration in the Dicke-Ising model — •Jonas Leibig, Anja Langheld, Andreas Schellenberger, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
12:00 DY 30.10 Critical behavior of the 1d superconductor in the FLEX approximation — •Šimon Kos, Sunil D'Souza, Jan Gebel, Ján Minár, and Václav Janiš
12:15 DY 30.11 Tunable criticality and pseudo-criticality in a quantum dissipative spin system — •Manuel Weber
12:30 DY 30.12 Universality of the quantum Heisenberg model with sub-volume long-range couplings — •Daniel Resch and Thomas C. Lang
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg