
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 31: Focus Session: Nonequilibrium Collective Behavior in Open Classical and Quantum Systems

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 09:30–13:00, H37

Nonequilibrium classical and quantum systems coupled to thermal or (driven) non-equilibrium environments have recently been shown to exhibit rich collective phenomena and phase transitions without equilibrium counterparts. From the classical side, intriguing examples are flocking and phase separation in active matter, but also patterns and bifurcations in driven-diffusive systems and spontaneous parity-time symmetry breaking in systems involving nonreciprocal couplings. From the quantum side much interest has been devoted, e.g., to ordering and phase transitions in non-equilibrium steady states, the formation of time crystals, superradiance, as well as phase transitions or critical behavior in time. The symposium and the accompanying focus session is devoted to connections between the quantum and the classical realms, as they have been explored recently both in theory and experiment.

Organized by Sabine Klapp (TU Berlin) and André Eckhardt (TU Berlin)

09:30 DY 31.1 Ultra-critical Fermi Surfaces, Quantum Oscillations, and Bosonic Metals — •Likun Shi and Inti Sodemann Villadiego
09:45 DY 31.2 Giant Dynamical Paramagnetism in the driven pseudogap phase of YBa2Cu3O6+x — •Marios Michael, Duilio De Santis, Eugene Demler, and Patrick Lee
10:00 DY 31.3 entropy production in ultrafast quantum stochastic dynamics — •Yulong Qiao and Matthias Geilhufe
10:15 DY 31.4 Cooling dynamics of the 2D Kitaev honeycomb model coupled to phonons — •Arkadeep Mitra, Francesco Piazza, and Markus Heyl
10:30 DY 31.5 Hydrodynamic description of emergent long-range coherence in active quantum flocks — •Byjesh N Radhakrishnan, Thomas L. Schmidt, and Markus Heyl
10:45 DY 31.6 Hauptvortrag: Strong coupling and coherence in quantum thermodynamics — •Janet Anders, Federico Cerisola, James Cresser, and et al
  11:15 15 min. break
11:30 DY 31.7 Ultrafast Dynamics Across the Phase Transition of the Charge Density Wave in K0.3MoO3 — •Rafael T. Winkler, Larissa Boie, Yunpei Deng, Matteo Savoini, Serhane Zerdane, Abhishek Nag, Sabina Gurung, Davide Soranzio, Tim Suter, Vladimir Ovuka, Janine Zemp, Elsa Abreu, Simone Biasco, Roman Mankowsky, Edwin J Divall, Alexander R. Oggenfuss, Mathias Sander, Christopher Arrell, Danylo Babich, Henrik T. Lemke, Paul Beaud, Urs Staub, Jure Demsar, and Steven L. Johnson
11:45 DY 31.8 Optimal dynamical regimes for reservoir computing with soft matter — •Mario U. Gaimann and Miriam Klopotek
12:00 DY 31.9 Universality in time-crystalline matter — •Carl Philipp Zelle, Romain Daviet, Achim Rosch, and Sebastian Diehl
12:15 DY 31.10 Thermalizing Lindbladians for many-body systems — •Nico Albert, Shovan Dutta, and Masudul Haque
12:30 DY 31.11 Signatures of Quantum Chaos and fermionization in the incoherent transport of bosonic carriers in the Bose-Hubbard chainPavel Muraev, Dmitri Maksimov, and •Andrey Kolovsky
12:45 DY 31.12 Fast, accurate and local temperature control using qubits — •Riya Baruah, Pedro Portugal, Joachim Wabnig, and Christian Flindt
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg