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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 32: Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 09:30–11:15, H43

09:30 DY 32.1 Hauptvortrag: Fluctuation-Response Relations for Non-equilibrium Systems — •Benjamin Lindner
10:00 DY 32.2 Oscillations and self-generated noise in a nonreciprocal single-species XY-model — •Thomas Suchanek and Sarah Loos
10:15 DY 32.3 Cross-correlation-response relations for systems driven by shot noise — •Jakob Stubenrauch and Benjamin Lindner
10:30 DY 32.4 A Framework for Sparse Kinetic Monte-Carlo Models — •Bat-Amgalan Bat-Erdene, Roya Ebrahimi Viand, Karsten Reuter, and Sebastian Matera
10:45 DY 32.5 Dynamic instability in dissipative self-assembly: common principles in single and multi-filament polymers — •Seeralan Sarvaharman and Aljaž Godec
11:00 DY 32.6 The effect of noise on the breather solutions of the discrete nonlinear schrödinger equation — •Mahdieh Ebrahimi, Barbara Drossel, and Wolfram Just
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg