
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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DY: Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik

DY 9: Statistical Physics far from Thermal Equilibrium

Montag, 17. März 2025, 15:00–18:30, H47

15:00 DY 9.1 From Hamiltonian dynamics to entropy production: A harmonic chain model — •Amir Abbasi and Roland Netz
15:15 DY 9.2 Propulsion force and heat exchange for nonreciprocal nanoparticles — •Laila Henkes, Kiryl Asheichyk, and Matthias Krüger
15:30 DY 9.3 Exponential change of relaxation rate by quenched disorder — •Jan Meibohm and Sabine H. L. Klapp
15:45 DY 9.4 Mean back relaxation for position, densities and others — •Gabriel Knotz and Matthias Krüger
16:00 DY 9.5 Hauptvortrag: Large-deviation simulations of non-equilibrium stochastic processes — •Alexander K. Hartmann
  16:30 15 min. break
16:45 DY 9.6 Dissipation bounds precision of current response to kinetic perturbations — •Krzysztof Ptaszyński, Timur Aslyamov, and Massimiliano Esposito
17:00 DY 9.7 Theory of Nonequilibrium Responses for Markov Jump Processes — •Timur Aslyamov and Massimiliano Esposito
17:15 DY 9.8 How topologically distinct non-equilibrium currents imprint on projected observables — •Felix Tippner and Aljaz Godec
17:30 DY 9.9 Slow relaxation in a facilitated trap model — •Gregor Diezemann
17:45 DY 9.10 Nonequilibrium shortcuts and anomalous thermal relaxations: the Mpemba effect — •Gianluca Teza, John Bechhoefer, Antonio Lasanta, Oren Raz, and Marija Vucelja
18:00 DY 9.11 Power-Efficiency Trade-offs in Finite-Time Thermodynamics: From Minimal Model to General Principle — •Shiling Liang, Yu-Han Ma, Daniel Maria Busiello, and Paolo De Los Rios
18:15 DY 9.12 Fluctuating diffusivity in living cells: Analog of Carnot engine — •Yuichi Itto
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg