
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik

HL 10: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in 2D (joint session MA/HL)

HL 10.3: Talk

Monday, March 17, 2025, 15:30–15:45, H19

Spin polarization of the two-dimensional electron gas at the EuO/SrTiO3 interface — •Paul Rosenberger1,2, Andri Darmawan3, Olena Fedchenko1, Olena Tkach1, Serhii V. Chernov4, Dmitro Kutnyakhov4, Moritz Hoesch4, Markus Scholz4, Kai Rossnagel4,5, Rossitza Pentcheva3, Gerd Schönhense1, Hans-Joachim Elmers1, and Martina Müller21JGU Mainz, Germany — 2Uni Konstanz, Germany — 3UDE, Duisburg, Germany — 4DESY, Hamburg, Germany — 5CAU Kiel, Germany

Spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) are of particular interest for functional oxide electronics applications. Here, we use magnetic circular dichroism in the angular distribution (MCDAD) of photoemitted electrons to investigate whether and how the induced spin polarization of the redox-created 2DEG at the EuO/SrTiO3 (001) interface depends on the dimensionality of the strongly ferromagnetic (7 µB/f.u.) EuO layer [1]. Samples with EuO thicknesses ranging from one to four monolayers were studied. We show that the EuO/STO interfacial 2DEG becomes spin-polarized starting from a threshold EuO thickness of only two monolayers. Experimental data are complemented by DFT+U calculations. Our results, and the potential to enhance the magnetic order of EuO by other proximity effects [2], indicate that the EuO/STO interface is an ideal template for creating functional spin-polarized 2DEGs for application in oxide electronics.

[1] Rosenberger et al., arXiv:2410.23804 (2024).

[2] Rosenberger et al., Sci. Rep. 14, 21586 (2024).

Keywords: 2DEG; spin polarization; EuO; magnetic circular dichroism

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