
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik

HL 18: Focus Session: Nanoscale Light-matter Interaction I

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 09:30–13:00, H17

The focus session highlights recent breakthroughs in resolving the optoelectronic properties of individual nanostructures down to the atomic scale. Moreover, the session introduces the rich field of surface polaritons, confined electromagnetic modes through which light can be guided on subwavelength scales.

The focus session is organized by Markus Huber (U Regensburg) and Fabian Mooshammer (U. Regensburg).

09:30 HL 18.1 Hauptvortrag: Ultrafast Nano-Spectroscopy of Photo-Induced Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Materials — •Takashi Kumagai
10:00 HL 18.2 Hauptvortrag: Landau level Nanoscopy of charge and heat transport in low-dimensional heterostructuresMengkun Liu and •Wenjun Zheng
10:30 HL 18.3 Hauptvortrag: Real space mapping of electrically tunable anisotropic THz plasmon polaritons in hBN encapsulated black phosphorus — •Eva Pogna
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 HL 18.4 Hauptvortrag: Ultra-confined THz hyperbolic phonon polaritons in a transition metal dichalcogenideRyan A. Kowalski, Niclas S. Mueller, Gonzalo Alvarez-Perez, Maximilian Obst, Katja D. Granados, Giulia Carini, Aditha Senarath, Saurabh Dixit, Richarda Niemann, Ragu B. Iyer, Felix Kaps, Jakob Wetzel, J. Michael Klopf, Ivan I. Kravchenko, Deliang Bao, Sokrates T. Pantelides, Martin Wolf, Lukas Eng, Pablo Alonso-Gonzalez, Susanne Kehr, Thomas G. Folland, •Alexander Paarmann, and Joshua D. Caldwell
11:45 HL 18.5 Hauptvortrag: Programmable polariton nanophotonics using phase-change materials — •Thomas Taubner
12:15 HL 18.6 Heralding non-classical light by tailored free-electron interactions with photonic modes — •Armin Feist, Guanhao Huang, Germaine Arend, Yujia Yang, Jan-Wilke Henke, Zheru Qiu, Hao Jeng, Arslan Sajid Raja, Rudolf Haindl, Rui Ning Wang, Tobias J. Kippenberg, and Claus Ropers
12:30 HL 18.7 Attosecond electron microscopy using free-electron homodyne detection — •John H. Gaida, Sergey V. Yalunin, Hugo Lourenço-Martins, Murat Sivis, Thomas Rittmann, Armin Feist, F. Javier García de Abajo, and Claus Ropers
12:45 HL 18.8 Light-matter interaction on subcycle time and atomic length scales — •Tom Siday, Johannes Hayes, Felix Schiegl, Fabian Sandner, Peter Menden, Valentin Bergbauer, Martin Zizlsperger, Svenja Nerreter, Sonja Lingl, Jascha Repp, Jan Wilhelm, Markus A. Huber, Yaroslav A. Gerasimenko, and Rupert Huber
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg