Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 20: Poster I
HL 20.23: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:00–12:30, P3
Characterization of the electrical properties of Bismuth doped Methylbenzylamine Lead Iodide 2D Perovskites using impedance spectroscopy — •Keito Mizukami1,2,3, Hannes Hergert1,3, Tim Schneider3,4, Jan Heinrich Littmann1,3, Satoko Fukumori2, Philip Klement1,3, Derck Schlettwein3,4, Hirokazu Tada2, Sangam Chatterjee1,3, and Matthias T. Elm1,3 — 1Institute of Experimental Physics I, JLU Giessen, Giessen, Germany — 2Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan — 3Center for Materials Research, JLU Giessen, Giessen, Germany — 4Institute of Applied Physics, JLU Giessen, Giessen, Germany
Low-dimensional organic-inorganic perovskites offer largely tunable materials properties such as the crystal structure or the electronic band gap due to the flexibility of the incorporated building blocks. Perovskites with incorporated chiral organic molecules as the cation attract a lot of attention as they exhibit chiral properties such as chirality-induced spin selectivity or spin-polarized electron current. However, the typically low electrical conductivity hinders applications and requires appropriate doping schemes to improve the device performance. In this study, we investigate the impact of Bi substitution for Pb in methylbenzylamine bismuth lead iodide single crystals and thin films on the electric properties using impedance spectroscopy. Our objective is to get a fundamental understanding of the charge transportation and relaxation mechanism in these mixed conductors.
Keywords: 2D Semiconductor; Perovskites; Impedance spectroscopy