
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik

HL 20: Poster I

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:00–12:30, P3

The first poster session covers the physics of semiconductor heterostructures, interfaces and surfaces. Moreover, most recent results on oxide semiconductors, as well as perovskite and photovoltaics are presented.

10:00 HL 20.1 Accuracy Requirements for Polarizabilities in MD-based Raman Spectra — •Markus Amaseder, Manuel Grumet, Tomáš Bučko, and David A. Egger
10:00 HL 20.2 low-temperature buffer layer-assisted heteroepitaxial growth of γ-CuI thin films by pulsed laser deposition: tailoring electrical properties — •Yang Chen, Michael S. Bar, Susanne Selle, Daniel Splith, Michael Lorenz, Marius Grundmann, and Holger v. Wenckstern
10:00 HL 20.3 Semiconductor membrane transfer for deterministic Circular Bragg Gratings fabrication — •Juan Nicolas Claro Rodriguez, Dennis Deutsch, Leonie Schubert, Dirk Reuter, and Klaus Joens
10:00 HL 20.4 Comparative Investigations of GaN/p-GaInP and p-GaInP Photocathodes: Stability and Performance in Acidic Electrolytes — •Sahar Shekarabi, Mohammad Amin Zare Pour, David Osteimer, Haoqing Su, Wentao Zhang, Agnieszka Paszuk, Wolfram Jaegermann, Shu Hu, and Thomas Hannappel
10:00 HL 20.5 Characterization of surfaces of mixed semiconductor crystals — •Marsel Karmo and Martin Brehm
10:00 HL 20.6 Photoelectrochemical characterisation of InGaN/GaN nanowire arrays — •Genrietta Steingelb, Hannah Nell, Rudolfo Hötzel, Ruben Neelissen, Stephan Figge, Tim Grieb, Florian Krause, and Martin Eickhoff
10:00 HL 20.7 Impact of Surface States on the Performance and Stability of AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT Structures — •Vincent Leon Spreter, Selma Delic, Xuelin Jin, Nils von den Driesch, Christoph Krause, Detlev Grützmacher, and Beata Kardynal
10:00 HL 20.8 Low-temperature RAS of MOVPE-prepared Si(100) surfaces — •Kai Daniel Hanke, Max Grossmann, Chris Y. Bohlemann, Mohammad Amin Zare Pour, Paszuk Agnieszka, Runge Erich, and Hannappel Thomas
10:00 HL 20.9 Optimization of GaSb(100) Substrate Preparation for MBE Growth of GaSb Layers — •Peter Zajac, Sascha R. Valentin, Timo A. Kurschat, Rainer Krage, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas D. Wieck
10:00 HL 20.10 Passivation Protection Layers for Highly efficient Multi-Absorber Devices for Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production — •Negin Mogharehabed, Mohammad Amin Zare Pour, Jennifer Velázquez Rojas, Christian Höhn, Roel van de Krol, Thomas Hannappel, and Agnieszka Paszuk
10:00 HL 20.11 Characterization of Arsenic- and Antimony Containing Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy — •Max H. W. Ziehfreund, Peter F. Zajac, Sascha R. Valentin, Timo A. Kurschat, Rainer Krage, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas D. Wieck
10:00 HL 20.12 High Resolution Temperature Mapping of GaSb Wafers during MBE Growth — •Timo A. Kurschat, Sascha R. Valentin, Peter Zajac, Rainer Krage, and Andreas D. Wieck
10:00 HL 20.13 Raman spectroscopy on MBE grown III-V semiconductors heterostructures — •Arijit Chakraborty, Yiteng Zhang, Tom Fandrich, Doaa Abdelbarey, Tom Rakow, Krupali Dobariya, Sulabh Shrestha, Eddy P. Rugeramigabo, Michael Zopf, and Fei Ding
10:00 HL 20.14 Copper tin oxide: an amorphous, bipolar, ternary oxide system with tunable electrical and optical properties — •Arne Jörns, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
  10:00 HL 20.15 The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of HL 20.2).
10:00 HL 20.16 Mechanical, electronic and optical properties of LiNbO2 and NaNbO2 from first-principles calculations — •Frederik Schmidt and Arno Schindlmayr
10:00 HL 20.17 Bismuth oxyselenide (Bi2O2Se): Insights into chemical bonding and structural properties — •Sumayya Sumayya, Yuan Yu, Carl Friedrich Schon, Kim Dasol, Yueyang Yang, and Matthias Wuttig
10:00 HL 20.18 Reactive Sputter Deposition and Nitrogen Modification of CuBi2O4 as Photocathode — •Dominic Rapf, Tsedenia A. Zewdie, Ian D. Sharp, and Verena Streibel
10:00 HL 20.19 The impact of Bi and Na non-stoichiometry on the electrocaloric effect in (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3-BaTiO3 ceramics — •Sobhan M. Fathabad, Mohammadamin H. Kashani, Eva Kröll, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, and Doru C. Lupascu
10:00 HL 20.20 Structure and lattice distortions of KTaO3(001) studied by LEED I-V and nc-AFMDominik Wrana, Marek Kuzmiak, Michele Reticcioli, Tomas Dolak, Florian Kraushofer, Michele Riva, Aji Alexander, Llorenc Albons, Jesus Redondo, Cesare Franchini, and •Martin Setvin
10:00 HL 20.21 Photoluminescence and photophysical properties of halide perovskite MAPbBr3 single crystal — •Liangling Wang, Francesco Vitale, Edwin Eobaldt, Thomas Alexander Zaunick, and Carsten Ronning
10:00 HL 20.22 Resolving temporal signatures of optical excitations in semiconductor nanostructures — •Lion Krüger, Fabian Brütting, Moritz B. Heindl, and Georg Herink
10:00 HL 20.23 Characterization of the electrical properties of Bismuth doped Methylbenzylamine Lead Iodide 2D Perovskites using impedance spectroscopy — •Keito Mizukami, Hannes Hergert, Tim Schneider, Jan Heinrich Littmann, Satoko Fukumori, Philip Klement, Derck Schlettwein, Hirokazu Tada, Sangam Chatterjee, and Matthias T. Elm
10:00 HL 20.24 Hysteretic Piezochromism in a two-dimensional perovskite — •Paul Steeger, Mohammad Adnan, Thorsten Deilmann, Xiang Li, Susanne Müller, Katarzyna Skrzynska, Michael Hanfland, Efim Kolesnikov, Jutta Kösters, Theresa Block, Robert Schmidt, Ilya Kupenko, Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Vijaya Prakash, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
10:00 HL 20.25 Exploring the Polaron Landscape in Lead-Free Germanium Halide Perovskites: CsGeCl3, CsGeBr3, and CsGeI3 — •Mehmet Baskurt and Julia Wiktor
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