Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 22: 2D Materials: Electronic Structure and Exitations I (joint session O/HL/TT)
HL 22.4: Talk
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 11:15–11:30, H8
Unveiling Doping-Induced Electronic Modifications in Antiferromagnetic MPS3 van der Waals Materials — •Till Willershausen1, Jonah Elias Nitschke1, Patrick Merisescu2, David Janas1, Lasse Sternemann1, Michele Capra1, Mira Arndt1, Valentin Mischke1, and Mirko Cinchetti1 — 1TU Dortmund University — 2Bath University
Antiferromagnetic van der Waals (vdW) materials, with scalability to monolayer thickness, semiconducting properties, and intrinsic antiferromagnetic ordering, hold promise for spintronic and quantum technology applications. We investigate alkali metal doping effects on the MPS3 family (M = Mn, Ni, Co, Fe) of 2D antiferromagnetic vdW materials, revealing doping-induced changes in their electronic structure. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) shows shifts in oxidation states in NiPS3, CoPS3, and FePS3, while MnPS3 displays no significant changes, indicating distinct charge transfer. Further investigation with Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) reveals new alkali-metal induced bands appearing above the previous valence band maximum. This analysis highlights doping-induced modifications and contrasts in transition metal behavior in MPS3, providing insights into doping mechanisms and electronic tunability.
Keywords: XPS; ARPES; MPS₃; Lithium doping