13:30 |
HL 25.1 |
Spin-orbit coupling in non-van der Waals 2D materials — •Mani Lokamani, Gustav Bihlmayer, Gregor Michalicek, Daniel Wortmann, Stefan Blügel, and Rico Friedrich
13:30 |
HL 25.2 |
Influence of surface relaxations on scanning probe microscopy images of the charge density wave material NbSe2 — Nikhil S. Sivakumar, Joost Aretz, •Sebastian Scherb, Marion van Midden Mavric, Nora Huijgen, Umut Kamber, Daniel Wegner, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Malte Rösner, and Nadine Hauptmann
13:30 |
HL 25.3 |
Investigation of the electronic structure of 1T-Ta1−xMoxS2 using 11eV-laser ARPES — •Adina Timm, Florian K. Diekmann, Jana Kähler, Matthias Kalläne, Tim Riedel, and Kai Rossnagel
13:30 |
HL 25.4 |
Magnetic properties of V-doped WSe2 — •Jules M. Knebusch, Jana Kähler, Matthias Kalläne, Tim Riedel, Florian K. Diekmann, Adina Timm, and Kai Rossnagel
13:30 |
HL 25.5 |
Polarons in single-layer MoS2 via downfolding approach to the coupling of electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom — •Laura Pätzold, Camiel van Efferen, Arne Schobert, Tfyeche Y. Tounsi, Michael Winter, Mark Georger, Affan Safeer, Christian Krämer, Jeison Fischer, Jan Berges, Thomas Michely, Roberto Mozara, Wouter Jolie, and Tim O. Wehling
13:30 |
HL 25.6 |
Electronic and phononic characterization of 2H-NbS2 at the atomic scale — •Werner M.J. van Weerdenburg, Margarete Huisinga, and Katharina J. Franke
13:30 |
HL 25.7 |
Characterization of surficial defect states in Mott insulator 1T-TaS2 — •Junyoung Sim, Vibhuti Rai, Christian Lotze, and Katharina J. Franke
13:30 |
HL 25.8 |
FinEstBeAMS: a multipurpose VUV and soft X-ray beamline at the max iv laboratory — •Weimin Wang, Antti Kivimäki, Kirill Chernenko, Calle Preger, and Stephan Appelfeller