
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik

HL 29: Poster II

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1

The second poster session on the physics of semiconductors covers topics from 2D semiconductors and van der Waals heterostructures, the physics of the van der Waals magnetic semiconductor CrSBr, materials and devices for quantum technology, quantum dots and wires, transport properties, to ultra-fast phenomena in semiconductors.

18:00 HL 29.1 Electric Field Effect and Schottky Barriers in FePSe3 Thin Films — •Paul Perl, Lars Thole, Sonja Locmelis, and Rolf J. Haug
18:00 HL 29.2 Fabricating MoS2 nanotube quantum dots on 2D heterostructures — •Korbinian Fink, Robin T. K. Schock, Stefan B. Obloh, Matthias Kronseder, Matjaž Malok, Maja Remškar, and Andreas K. Hüttel
18:00 HL 29.3 Preparation of folded graphene heterostructures via dry transfer — •Hannes Kakuschke, Dustin Wittbrodt, Lina Bockhorn, and Rolf Haug
18:00 HL 29.4 Ferroelectric Potential Investigations of 3R MoS2 through fast Optical Measurements — •Jan-Niklas Heidkamp, Swarup Deb, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Rico Schwartz, and Tobias Korn
18:00 HL 29.5 Probing TMD-nanowire hybrid structures with second harmonic generation. — •Benedikt Mathes, Maximilian Tomoscheit, Edwin Eobaldt, Alexander Zaunick, Carsten Ronning, and Giancarlo Soavi
18:00 HL 29.6 Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy on differently synthesised MoSe2 — •Lara Blinov, Hendrik Lambers, Zdeněk Sofer, and Ursula Wurstbauer
18:00 HL 29.7 Optical Properties of Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides — •Sai Shradha, Julian Picker, Nicole Engel, Lukas Krelle, Daria Markina, Roberto Rosati, Ermin Malic, Andrey Turchanin, and Bernhard Urbaszek
18:00 HL 29.8 Microscopic, Optical, and Electrical Characterization of Spray-Coated Graphene Dispersions on Sapphire Substrates — •Yasaman Jarrahi Zadeh, Lars Grebener, Muhammad Ali, Felix Schaumburg, Mohaned Hammad, Günther Prinz, Martin Geller, Hartmut Wiggers, Doris Segets, and Axel Lorke
18:00 HL 29.9 Vibrational fingerprint of 2D transition-metal dichalcogenide WSe2 — •Kanivar Türk, Bastian Thomßen, Gerhard Berth, and Klaus Jöns
18:00 HL 29.10 Tuning of excitonic emission of 2D-TMDs by hybridization with phase change materials — •Jakob Cornelius Wurschi, Martin Hafermann, Edwin Eobaldt, and Carsten Ronning
18:00 HL 29.11 Gate defined exciton confinement in MoSe2. — •Moritz Scharfstädt, Abdul R. Kanikode, Lasse Ebeling, Max Wegerhoff, Michael Köhl, Stefan Linden, Bernd Beschoten, Christoph Stampfer, Lutz Waldecker, and Andrea Bergschneider
18:00 HL 29.12 PROBING INTERLAYER EXCITONS IN PARALLEL STACKED FERROELECTRIC MOS2 — •Johannes Krause, Jan-Niklas Heidkamp, Swarup Deb, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Rico Schwartz, and Tobias Korn
18:00 HL 29.13 Moiré superlattice effects in MoSe2-WS2 heterobilayers — •P. Parzefall, N. Paulik, M. Lorenz, C. Serati de Brito, J. Göser, J. Trapp, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Högele, Y. Galvão Gobato, and C. Schüller
18:00 HL 29.14 Acousto-optic characterization of van der Waals systems — •Felix Ehring, Benjamin Mayer, Hubert Krenner, Ursula Wurstbauer, and Emeline Nysten
18:00 HL 29.15 Influence of interface dielectric disorder on interlayer excitons in mixed binary/ternary TMD heterostructures — •Mohammed Adel Aly, Emmanuel Oghenevo Enakerakpor, Hilary Masenda, and Martin Koch
18:00 HL 29.16 High-Pressure Optical Spectroscopy of Intralayer and Interlayer Excitons in 2H-MoS2 Bilayers — •Vedhanth Senthiappan Vellaiappan Uthayasurian, Paul Steeger, Robert Schmidt, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
18:00 HL 29.17 Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of van der Waals CrSBr — •Lukas Krelle, Ryan Tan Qai Shen, Daria Markina, Priyanka Mondal, Kseniia Mosina, Kevin Hagmann, Regine von Klitzing, Zdenek Sofer, and Bernhard Urbaszek
18:00 HL 29.18 Raman investigation of the 2D magnetic semiconductor MnPS3 — •Thomas Kliewer, Pierre-Maurice Piel, Zdeněk Sofer, and Ursula Wurstbauer
18:00 HL 29.19 Polarisation dependant reflectance measurements of CrSBr — •Manuel Terbeck, Aleksandra Lopion, Pierre-Maurice Piel, and Ursula Wurstbauer
18:00 HL 29.20 Semiconductor-Metal Interfaces in 2D TMDCs for High-Efficiency Optoelectronic Devices — •Linus Schneider, Ariane Ufer, Elena Vinnemeier, Rebecca Saive, and Ursula Wurstbauer
18:00 HL 29.21 Advancing 2D Materials for Optoelectronic and Photonic Devices: Insights from WSe2 — •Bastian Thomßen, Ioannis Caltzidis, and Klaus D. Jöns
18:00 HL 29.22 Having a Good Vibe: Electron-Phonon Coupling in 1L-TMDCs Measured by Transient Absorption SpectroscopyTim Völzer, •Julian Schröer, Marvin Krupp, Annika Bergmann, Tobias Korn, and Stefan Lochbrunner
18:00 HL 29.23 Probing time-reversal symmetry breaking in graphene — •Konrad Krieghoff, Nele Tornow, Omid Ghaebi, and Giancarlo Soavi
18:00 HL 29.24 Optical Probing of the K-Point Band Structure in Monolayer TMDs via SHG — •Jonas Margraf, Paul Herrmann, Sebastian Klimmer, Shridhar Sanjay Shanbhag, Jan Wilhelm, and Giancarlo Soavi
18:00 HL 29.25 Optical properties of transition metal dichalcogenides under high pressure — •Paul Luca Großerhode, Paul Steeger, Robert Schmidt, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
18:00 HL 29.26 Analytical Theory Of Third Harmonic Generation In Two-Dimensional Materials — •Shridhar Sanjay Shanbhag, Florentine Friedrich, Paul Herrmann, Giancarlo Soavi, and Jan Wilhelm
18:00 HL 29.27 Plasma-Induced Defect Emission in Hexagonal Boron Nitride — •Felix Schaumburg, •David Plitt, Timo Wagner, Nicolas Wöhrl, Martin Geller, Günther Prinz, and Axel Lorke
18:00 HL 29.28 Single-photon emission in the van der Waals material hBN — •Akhilesh Dubey, Janne Becker, Robert Schmidt, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
18:00 HL 29.29 Spectroscopic investigation of defects in strained WSe2 van-der-Waals heterostructures — •F. Stechemesser, F. Schaumburg, J. König, C. Dietrich, C. Steiner, P. Pesch, G. Prinz, M. Geller, and A. Kurzmann
18:00 HL 29.30 Tailoring Quantum Emission in Bilayer WSe2 via Strain Engineering — •Jasleen Kaur Jagde, Palwinder Singh, Grant Wilbur, Megha Jain, Edith Yeung, David Northeast, Seid Mohammad, Jean Lapointe, Dan Dalacu, and Kimberley Hall
18:00 HL 29.31 Electrical impact of He ion broad beam irradiation on multi-layer WSe2 — •Madhuri Chennur, Zahra Fekri, Ulrich Kentsch, Gregor Hlawacek, Jens Zscharschuch, and Artur Erbe
18:00 HL 29.32 Probing the Band Splitting near the Γ Point in the van der Waals Magnetic Semiconductor CrSBr — •Kaiman Lin, Yi Li, Mahdi Ghorbani-Asl, Zdenek Sofer, Stephan Winnerl, Artur Erbe, Arkady V. Krasheninnikov, Manfred Helm, Shengqiang Zhou, Yaping Dan, and Slawomir Prucnal
18:00 HL 29.33 Tuning of non-radiative decay channels in CrSBr by a magnetic phase transition — •Fabian Glatz, Minjiang Dan, Till Weickhardt, Zdeněk Sofer, Marie-Christin Heißenbüttel, Julian Klein, and Giancarlo Soavi
18:00 HL 29.34 Defect induced magnetic phase transition in CrSBr — •Fangchao Long, Mahdi Ghorbani-Asl, Kseniia Mosina, Joachim Thomsen, René Hübner, Zdenek Sofer, Florian Dirnberger, Arkady V. Krasheninnikov, Slawomir Prucnal, Manfred Helm, and Shengqiang Zhou
18:00 HL 29.35 Self-Driven Photodetectors Based on Intercalated CrSBr — •Aljoscha Söll, Kseniia Mosina, Martin Vesely, Jiří Šturala, Florian Dirnberger, and Zdeněk Sofer
18:00 HL 29.36 Strong coupling of metal nanoparticles and 2d semiconductors: Physics behind a minimal model — •Lara Greten and Andreas Knorr
18:00 HL 29.37 Non-Local Effects in Landau Quantized Two-Dimensional Electron Gases — •Sabrina Meyer, Andreas Knorr, Stephen Hughes, and Lara Greten
18:00 HL 29.38 Visualizing Atomic-Scale Charge Fluctuations in Real-Space Dielectric Response — •Bernadette Christ and Claudia Rödl
18:00 HL 29.39 Assessing Wafer Growth Success in Quantum Dot Photonic Device Fabrication — •Severin Krüger, Elias Kersting, and Arne Ludwig
18:00 HL 29.40 Effect of TiO2 thin films on the charge state of shallow NV centers in diamond. — •Arthur Witte, Tobias Lühmann, Peter Schlupp, Dominic Reinhardt, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
18:00 HL 29.41 Secondary electron spectrometer for deterministic single ion implantation — •Priyal Dadhich, Nico Klingner, and Gregor Hlawacek
18:00 HL 29.42 Emission properties of electron irradiated hBN — •Annkathrin Köhler, Jan Böhmer, Christian T. Plass, and Carsten Ronning
18:00 HL 29.43 Germanium MOSFETs for Quantum Computation — •Thembelihle Dlamini and Mónica Benito
18:00 HL 29.44 Crystal Growth and Influence of Fe3+ Doping on the Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Lead-Free Double Perovskites — •Volodymyr Vasylkovskyi, Anastasiia Kultaeva, Olga Trukhina, Patrick Dörflinger, Daniele Ludwig, Mykola Slipchenko, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 HL 29.45 Multi-Frequency ODMR applied to Boron Vacancy Spin Defects of hBN — •Lucas Schreiber, Selin Steinicke, Paul Konrad, Andreas Sperlich, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 HL 29.46 Temperature-dependent Studies of Boron-Vacancy Spin Defects in hexagonal Boron Nitride — •Selin Steinicke, Paul Konrad, Andreas Sperlich, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 HL 29.47 Investigating the optical pumping of silicon vacancies in 4H-SiC to increase the maser output — •Emilian Eisermann, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Andreas Sperlich
18:00 HL 29.48 UV Photolithographic Fabrication of Photonic Structures on Diamond — •Nidhin Varghese, Oleg Peter, and Wolfgang Harneit
18:00 HL 29.49 Birefringence effects in crystalline AlGaAs/GaAs mirror coatings from 4 K to room temperature — •Mona Kempkes, Chun Yu Ma, Thomas Legero, Uwe Sterr, and Daniele Nicolodi
18:00 HL 29.50 Stark Effect of color centers studied from a- and m-face 4H-SiC — •Fabio Candolfi, Johannes A. F. Lehmeyer, Michael Krieger, and Heiko B. Weber
18:00 HL 29.51 InGaAs quantum dots grown by local droplet etching — •Selma Delić, Xuelin Jin, Nils von den Driesch, Elias Kersting, Arne Ludwig, Alexander Pawlis, Detlev Grützmacher, and Beata Kardynał
18:00 HL 29.52 Tuning InGaAs quantum dots for quantum interface for heterogeneous quantum network — •Xuelin Jin, Selma Delic, Zheng Zeng, Nils von den Driesch, Alexander Pawlis, Detlev Grützmacher, and Beata Kardynal
18:00 HL 29.53 Spin-Dependent Processes Involving Defects Caused by Lithography — •Henry Stock, Michael Göldl, Niklas Bruckmoser, Leon Koch, Stefan Filipp, and Martin S. Brandt
18:00 HL 29.54 Progress on fully gate-defined optical interfaces to spin qubits — •Maxim Reznikov, Sebastian Kindel, Kui Wu, Nikolai Spitzer, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Jeremy Witzens, and Hendrik Bluhm
18:00 HL 29.55 RPCVD growth of nuclear spin-free 70Ge/28Si70Ge heterostructures on industrial SiGe wafers — •Patrick Daoust, Simone Assali, Anis Attiaoui, Gérard Daligou, Patrick Del Vecchio, Sebastian Koelling, Lu Luo, Nicolas Rotaru, Oussama Moutanabbir, and Éloise Rahier
18:00 HL 29.56 Time resolved electron imaging of a high-Q nonlinear nanomechanical oscillator — •Kai Nettersheim, Alexander Schröder, and Sascha Schäfer
18:00 HL 29.57 Quantum Particles on Strongly Bent Curves — •Tim Bergmann, Benjamin Schwager, and Jamal Berakdar
18:00 HL 29.58 Shutter synchronized deposition in molecular epitaxy for wafer scale homogeneous quantum emitter growth — •Elias Kersting, Hans Georg Babin, Nikolai Spitzer, Andreas Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
18:00 HL 29.59 Integration of quantum dot-based single-photon sources onto silicon photonic platform using micro-transfer printing — •Simon Oberle, Ponraj Vijayan, Simone Luca Portalupi, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
18:00 HL 29.60 enhancing the emission Intensity of Mn2+ by doping with Ln3+ ions in ZnSe QDs and heavy metal ions detection — •Iram Gul, Zahid U. Khan, Latif U. Khan, Hermi F. Brito, and Muhammad Abdullah Khan
18:00 HL 29.61 enhancing the emission Intensity of Mn2+ by doping with Ln3+ ions in ZnSe QDs and heavy metal ions detection — •Iram Gul, Zahid U. Khan, Latif U. Khan, Hermi F. Brito, and Muhammad Abdullah Khan
18:00 HL 29.62 Towards Efficient Entangled Photon Pair Sources by Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Planar Cavities — •Aditi Javali, Raphael Joos, Ponraj Vijayan, Lena Engel, Tobias Huber-Loyola, Sven Höfling, Michael Jetter, Simone Luca Portalupi, and Peter Michler
18:00 HL 29.63 Influence of Short-Wavelength Irradiation on Self-Assembled Quantum Dots — •Julia Avdeev, Jan Lange, Lukas Berg, Laurin Schnorr, Thomas Heinzel, Charlotte Rothfuchs-Engels, Sven Scholz, Arne Ludwig, and Andreas Wieck
18:00 HL 29.64 Quantum Mechanics on Periodically Deformed Manifolds — •Theresa Appel, Benjamin Schwager, and Jamal Berakdar
18:00 HL 29.65 Single-electron charging events on quantum dots in InSb nanowires — •Marcus Liebmann, Kanji Furuta, Sasa Gazibegovic, Diana Car, Erik Bakkers, and Markus Morgenstern
18:00 HL 29.66 Spin relaxation dynamics of the excited triplet state in self-assembeld quantum dots — •Carl Nelson Creutzburg, Jens Kerski, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
18:00 HL 29.67 Multiphoton Emission of Quantum Dots with Different Excitation Schemes — •Patricia Kallert, Nicolás Claro-Rodríguez, Francesco Salusti, Sonja Barkhofen, Santiago Bermúdez Feijóo, Lukas Hanschke, Normen Auler, Dirk Reuter, and Klaus D. Jöns
18:00 HL 29.68 Investigating Photo-Physical Properties of Ag-In-S Core and Core-shell Quantum Dots — •Johannes Kunze, Julian Mann, Sushant Ghimire, and Jochen Feldmann
18:00 HL 29.69 Effects of vacancies in a bilayer graphene quantum dot — •Ivan Verstraeten, Robin Smeyers, François Peeters, and Lucian Covaci
18:00 HL 29.70 Towards scalable quantum circuits based on microlaser-pumped quantum emitters — •Maximilian Klonz, Aris Koulas-Simos, Léo Roche, Imad Limame, Sven Rodt, and Stephan Reitzenstein
18:00 HL 29.71 Duration of scattering processes on curved quantum wires — •Adrian Henrik Starke, Benjamin Schwager, and Jamal Berakdar
18:00 HL 29.72 Towards a Quantitative Framework for Capacitance-Voltage Spectroscopy in Quantum Dot Ensembles — •Phil Julien Badura, Nico Frédéric Brosda, Ismail Bölükbaşi, Ibrahim Engin, Patrick Lindner, Sascha René Valentin, Andreas Dirk Wieck, Björn Sothmann, and Arne Ludwig
18:00 HL 29.73 Experimental time-bin encoding quantum key distribution with telecom semiconductor quantum dot — •Jipeng Wang, Jingzhong Yang, Joscha Hanel, Zenghui Jiang, Vincent Rehlinger, Raphael Joos, Stephanie Bauer, Sascha Kolatschek, Eddy Rugeramigabo, Michael Jetter, Simone Portalupi, Michael Zopf, Peter Michler, and Fei Ding
18:00 HL 29.74 Experimental time-bin encoding quantum key distribution with telecom semiconductor quantum dot — •Jipeng Wang, Jingzhong Yang, Joscha Hanel, Zenghui Jiang, Vincent Rehlinger, Raphael Joos, Stephanie Bauer, Sascha Kolatschek, Eddy Rugeramigabo, Michael Jetter, Simone Portalupi, Michael Zopf, Peter Michler, and Fei Ding
18:00 HL 29.75 Cyclic Growth of InAs Quantum Dots: Exploring Structure- Property Relations for Telecom O-Band Applications — •Lennart Anderson, Danial Kohminaei, Severin Krüger, Marcel Schmidt, Nikolai Spitzer, Peter Zajac, Andreas Wieck, and Arne Ludwig
18:00 HL 29.76 Statistical spectroscopy of perovskite quantum dots — •Christopher Borchers, Frederik Benthin, Tom Rakow, Pengji Li, Maximilian Heller, Chenglian Zhu, Ihor Cherniukh, Gabriele Rainò, Maksym Kovalenko, Michael Zopf, and Fei Ding
18:00 HL 29.77 SUPER drived quantum dot at telecom wavelength — •Zenghui Jiang, Vikas Remesh, Frederik Benthin, Michael Zopf, and Fei Ding
18:00 HL 29.78 Fabrication of Ohmic contact for Electrical tuning of GaAs quantum dots — •Krupali Dobariya, Tom Fandrich, Yiteng Zhang, Johann Dzeik, Arijit Chakraborty, Tom Rakow, Sulabh Shrestha, Doaa Abdelbarey, Eddy P. Rugeramigabo, Michael Zopf, and Fei Ding
18:00 HL 29.79 Marker-based deterministic EBL integration of GaAs quantum dots (QDs) into electrically tunable Circular Bragg Gratings (eCBGs) at a wavelength of 780 nm — •Dinara Basharova, Mudi Priyabrata, Avijit Barua, Setthanat Wijitpatima, Andreas D. Wieck, Sven Rodt, Arne Ludwig, Richard Warburton, and Stephan Reitzenstein
18:00 HL 29.80 Laboratory management software: Plexy : Python Library for EXperimental Physics — •Frederik Benthin, Christopher Borchers, Nico Eggeling, Tom Fandrich, Dolores García de Viedma, Joscha Hanel, Maximilian Heller, Martin Hesse, Kai Hühn, Johannes Knollmann, Marcel Pölking, Tom Rakow, Eduard Sauter, Pavel Sterin, Fei Ding, Jens Hübner, and Michael Zopf
18:00 HL 29.81 Signatures of the quantum skyrmion Hall effect in the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model — •Reyhan Ay, Adipta Pal, and Ashley M. Cook
18:00 HL 29.82 Side-contacted narrow superconducting finger on quantum anomalous Hall insulator — •Bibek Bhujel, Anjana Uday, Gertjan Lippertz, Alexey A. Taskin, and Yoichi Ando
18:00 HL 29.83 Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional disordered Lorentz gas — •Frederik Bartels, Zakaria Harroud, Beate Horn-Cosfeld, Mihai Cerchez, Jürgen Horbach, and Thomas Heinzel
18:00 HL 29.84 Accelerated Electrical Transport Predictions of the Non-Perturbative ab initio Kubo-Greenwood Method via a Deep-learned Hamiltonian technique: Strongly Anharmonic Material Cases — •Juan Zhang, Jingkai Quan, Matthias Scheffler, and Kisung Kang
18:00 HL 29.85 Magnetotransport in the correlated metal CaVO3 — •Olivio Chiatti, Mahni Müller, Maria Espinosa, Tatiana Kuznetsova, Roman Engel-Herbert, and Saskia F. Fischer
18:00 HL 29.86 Selenium, Silicon and SiC power diodes as temperature sensors, operated in different voltage regimes and under extreme conditions — •Heinz-Christoph Neitzert, Arpana Singh, and Vincenzo Carrano
18:00 HL 29.87 Structural Dynamics of Excimer Formation in single crystalline α-Perylene — •Helena Hollstein, Simon Versmissen, Bram Spijkerman, Heinrich Schwoerer, and Sebastian Hammer
18:00 HL 29.88 All-optical spin injection in silicon investigated by element-specific time-resolved Kerr effectSimone Laterza, Antonio Caretta, •Richa Bhardwaj, Roberto Flammini, Paolo Moras, Matteo Jugovac, Piu Rajak, Mahabul Islam, Regina Ciancio, Valentina Bonanni, Barbara Casarin, Alberto Simoncig, Marco Zangrando, Primož R. Ribič, Giuseppe Penco, Giovanni De Ninno, Luca Giannessi, Alexander Demidovich, Miltcho Danailov, Fulvio Parmigiani, and Marco Malvestuto
18:00 HL 29.89 Implementation and operation of a fiber-coupled CMOS detector for time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy — •Philipp Kessler, Johanna Kinder, Victor Lisinetskii, Torsten Franz, Florian Schütz, Matthias Hensen, and Tobias Brixner
18:00 HL 29.90 Experimental scheme for high-order fluorescence-detected pump–probe micro-spectroscopy on monolayer MoS2 — •Ruidan Zhu, Patrick Grenzer, Simon Büttner, Matthias Hensen, Tobias Hertel, and Tobias Brixner
18:00 HL 29.91 Detection Strategies for Highspeed Impulsive Stimulated Raman Scattering — •Laura Hüllmandel, Julia Lang, and Georg Herink
18:00 HL 29.92 Two-dimensional spectroscopy setup for the investigation of excitons and polaritons in 2D materials — •Trideep Kawde, Pavel Trofimov, Matteo Russo, Anton Trenczek, David Koch, and Hélène Seiler
18:00 HL 29.93 Measurement of ultrashort electron pulse durations using a transient electric field — •Lukas Nöding, Arne Ungeheuer, Ahmed Hassanien, Mashood Tariq Mir, Thomas Baumert, and Arne Senftleben
18:00 HL 29.94 Ultrafast dynamics reveal proximity induced changes in Graphite — •Mashood Tariq Mir, Ahmed Hassanien, Arne Ungeheuer, Lukas Nöding, Arne Senftleben, and Thomas Baumert
18:00 HL 29.95 Determination of Arrival Time in Ultrafast Electron Diffraction in Specimen Close Proximity with High Accuracy — •Ahmed Hassanien, Mashood Tariq Mir, Arne Ungeheuer, Lukas Nöding, Arne Senftleben, and Thomas Baumert
18:00 HL 29.96 Investigation of dynamics and character of excitons in WSe2 multilayers — •Anna Weindl, Matthias Brem, Jennifer Lehner, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Christian Schüller
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