Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik
HL 29: Poster II
HL 29.24: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1
Optical Probing of the K-Point Band Structure in Monolayer TMDs via SHG — •Jonas Margraf1, Paul Herrmann1, Sebastian Klimmer1, 2, Shridhar Sanjay Shanbhag3, Jan Wilhelm3, and Giancarlo Soavi1,4 — 1Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Jena, Germany — 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia — 3Institute of Theoretical Physics and Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN), University of Regensburg, Germany — 4Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Jena, Germany.
Crystal properties are ultimately defined by their band structure and dispersion relation, which are typically measured via angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Recently, all-optical approaches based on non-perturbative nonlinear optics (NLO) have been proposed as a promising alternative. While optical probing of the band structure requires non-perturbative measurements of the entire Brillouin zone, it is often sufficient to probe the dispersion relation in the vicinity of optical resonances. In this work, we aim to measure the dispersion relation of a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer at the ±K valleys using perturbative NLO. We investigate a modulation of the total second harmonic (SH) intensity as a function of the fundamental polarization angle upon two-photon resonant SHG. We assign this modulation of the SH intensity to the specific dispersion relation of the ±K valleys induced by trigonal warping.
Keywords: TMDs; SHG; Nonlinear Optics; Trigonal Warping