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HL: Fachverband Halbleiterphysik

HL 29: Poster II

HL 29.2: Poster

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P1

Fabricating MoS2 nanotube quantum dots on 2D heterostructures — •Korbinian Fink1, Robin T. K. Schock1, Stefan B. Obloh1, Matthias Kronseder1, Matjaž Malok2, Maja Remškar2, and Andreas K. Hüttel11Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg — 2Solid State Physics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

MoS2, a transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) with interesting optical and electronic properties, e.g., broken inversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling leading to spin split bands, is at the center of manifold research efforts. Building a MoS2 based QD remains challenging: the spatial quantization depends on the effective electron mass, which is high in MoS2, and minuscule devices sizes are required.

In order to reduce the lithographic constraints we utilize nanotubes, as these confine charges in an additional dimension. However, these QDs are still limited by the disorder from the SiO2 surface. This can be resolved by fabricating the devices on top of 2D heterostacks consisting of hBN and few layer graphite.[1]

The major challenge for creating such devices is reproducible contacts to the nanotubes, as nanogaps between the contact on the chip and the metal on top of the tube lead to high resistance variations. This can be solved by variation of the incident angle and heating during metalisation as well as fixing the tubes on the chip by cross linked resist. - [1] R. T. K. Schock et al., PSSb, 2400366 (2024)

Keywords: MoS2; nanotubes; Quantum Dots; contacts; fabrication

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg