Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 1: (Multi)ferroic States: From Fundamentals to Applications (I)
KFM 1.2: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 2025, 10:00–10:15, H9
Tailoring ferroelectric to antipolar phase interconversion in multiferroic thin films — •Bixin Yan1, Marvin Müller1, Hyeon Ko1, Yen-Lin Huang2,3,4, Haidong Lu5, Alexei Gruverman5, Ramamoorthy Ramesh3,4,6, Marta D. Rossell7, Manfred Fiebig1, and Morgan Trassin1 — 1ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 2National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan — 3University of California, Berkeley, USA. — 4Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA. — 5University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA — 6Rice University, USA. — 7Empa, Switzerland.
Inversion-symmetry breaking and the emergence of a polar state are essential for technologically relevant effects such as ferroelectricity and nonlinear optical properties. Hence, the ability to reversibly control the onset of such symmetry breaking can be instrumental in establishing emergent computing schemes. In this work, we present a novel approach for reversible control over the ferroelectric-to-antipolar phase transition in epitaxial multiferroic La-substituted BiFeO3 (LBFO) thin films using local pressure and electric field. Utilizing local stress application via a scanning-probe-microscopy tip, we stabilize the antipolar phase. An electric field restores the original ferroelectric phase. Leveraging these insights, we establish the continuous tuning of the ferroelectric/antipolar phase coexistence and can set the net polarization of LBFO to any desired value between its saturation limits. Finally, using optical second harmonic generation as a non-invasive probe, we control the net polarization of our films in device-compliant capacitor heterostructures.
Keywords: Ferroelectric oxide; Epitaxial thin film; Pulsed laser deposition; Phase transition; Memristive behavior