
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur

KFM 15: Crystal Structure Defects / Real Structure / Microstructure

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 09:30–13:15, H9

Chair: Theo Scherer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

09:30 KFM 15.1 Hauptvortrag: Is CVD diamond now ready to become an electronic material? — •Philippe Bergonzo
10:00 KFM 15.2 Numerical analyses and loss tangent measurements for the W7-X ECRH gyrotron diamond output windows — •Gaetano Aiello, Andreas Meier, Heinrich Peter Laqua, Theo Scherer, Sabine Schreck, and Dirk Strauss
10:15 KFM 15.3 Single- and polycrystalline diamond characterization with superconducting microresonators — •Francesco Mazzocchi, Martin Neidig, Sebastian Kempf, Dirk Strauß, and Theo Scherer
  10:30 KFM 15.4 The contribution has been withdrawn.
10:45 KFM 15.5 Inverted Designs of Dielectric Metasurfaces Based on TiO2.: A Study on Quasi-Bound States in Continuum (qBIC) — •Justin Schulz, Jack Dobie, Oisin McCormack, Yongliang Zhang, Hodjat Hajian, Owen Moynihan, Brian Corbett, and A. Louise Bradley
  11:00 15 Minutes Break
11:15 KFM 15.6 Phase modifications in Beta-Gallium Oxide via Focus ion beam irradiations — •Umutcan Bektas, Nico Klingner, Paul Chekhonin, Fabian Ganss, Rene Hübner, Maciej Oskar Liedke, and Gregor Hlawacek
11:30 KFM 15.7 An EXAFS analysis of the laser-driven tetragonal to cubic phase-transition in BaTiO3 — •Janosch Tasto, Rajdwip Bhar, Simon Rauls, Marco Reinhard, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Uwe Bovensiepen, and Heiko Wende
11:45 KFM 15.8 Dislocation correlations in GaN epitaxial films revealed by EBSD and XRD — •Domenik Spallek, Vladimir M. Kaganer, Philipp John, Oliver Brandt, and Jonas Lähnemann
12:00 KFM 15.9 Multiscale modeling of intergranular corrosion in iron — •Vahid Jamebozorgi, Karsten Rasim, and Christian Schröder
  12:15 15 Minutes Break
12:30 KFM 15.10 Landau Theory for Quasicrystals at the Mesoscale — •Marcello De Donno, Luiza Angheluta, Ken R. Elder, and Marco Salvalaglio
12:45 KFM 15.11 An all-order phonon approach to thermal diffuse scattering — •Benjamin Fahl and Arkadiy Simonov
13:00 KFM 15.12 Solving the phase problem: retrieving complex structure factors using Large-Angle Rocking-Beam Electron Diffraction — •Sam Fairman, Grigory Kornilov, Benedikt Haas, Zbignew Galazka, Adnan Hammud, Niklas Delby, and Christoph T. Koch
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg