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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur

KFM 2: Perovskite and Photovoltaics I (joint session HL/KFM)

Montag, 17. März 2025, 09:30–13:00, H13

09:30 KFM 2.1 Oxygen-Mediated (0D) Cs4PbX6 Formation during Open-Air Thermal Processing Improves Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell PerformanceRafikul Ali Saha, •Wei-Hsun Chiu, Giedrius Degutis, Peng Chen, Matthias Filez, Eduardo Solano, Nikolai Orlov, Francesco De Angelis, Carlo Meneghini, Christophe Detavernier, Sawanta S. Mali, Minh Tam Hoang, Yang Yang, Erik C. Garnett, Lianzhou Wang, Hongxia Wang, Maarten B. J. Roeffaers, and Julian A. Steele
09:45 KFM 2.2 Compositional Engineering of Mixed-Metal Chalcohalides for Photovoltaic Applications — •Pascal Henkel, Jingrui Li, and Patrick Rinke
10:00 KFM 2.3 Versatile Two-Step Process for Enhanced Stability and Efficiency in Perovskite Top Cells for Tandem Photovoltaics — •Ronja Pappenberger, Roja Singh, Alexander Diercks, and Ulrich W. Paetzold
10:15 KFM 2.4 Recombination at grain boundaries in Cd(Te,Se) thin films in comparison with other photovoltaic absorber layers — •Luka Blazevic, Sebastian Weitz, Elisa Artegiani, Alessandro Romeo, and Daniel Abou-Ras
10:30 KFM 2.5 Microscopic origins of band-gap broadening and its relationship with Urbach tails in photovoltaic absorbers — •Daniel Abou-Ras
10:45 KFM 2.6 Minimizing VOC losses in high bandgap perovskite solar cells for the application in perovskite/perovskite/silicon triple-junction solar cells — •Athira Shaji, Minasadat Heydarian, Oliver Fischer, Michael Günthel, Orestis Karalis, Maryamsadat Heydarian, Alexander J. Bett, Hannes Hempel, Martin Bivour, Florian Schindler, Martin C. Schubert, Stefan W. Glunz, Andreas W. Bett, Juliane Borchert, and Patricia S. C. Schulze
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 KFM 2.7 The Effect of Overdamped Phonons on the Fundamental Band Gap of Perovskites — •Xiangzhou Zhu and David A. Egger
11:30 KFM 2.8 Polymorphism at surface in CsPbI3 from first principles — •Jasurbek Gulomov, Guido Roma, Jacky Even, and Marios Zacharias
11:45 KFM 2.9 Benchmarking approximations for the theoretical prediction of positron lifetimes in halide perovskitesKajal Madaan, •Guido Roma, Jasurbek Gulomov, Pascal Pochet, Catherine Corbel, and Ilja Makkonen
12:00 KFM 2.10 Dynamics of electronic surface states in halide perovskites using machine-learning force fields — •Frederico Delgado, Frederico Simões, Waldemar Kaiser, Leeor Kronik, and David A. Egger
12:15 KFM 2.11 Comprehensive High-Throughput DFT Study of Intrinsic Defects and Dopability in p-type Zn3P2 for Photovoltaic Applications — •Nico Kawashima and Silvana Botti
12:30 KFM 2.12 Density functional theory study of hydrogen passivation mechanisms in defective silicon — •Hania Azzam, Tobias Binninger, and Michael Eikerling
12:45 KFM 2.13 First principles theory of nonlinear long-range electron-phonon interaction — •Matthew Houtput, Luigi Ranalli, Jacques Tempere, and Cesare Franchini
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg