Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 4: (Multi)ferroic States: From Fundamentals to Applications (II)
KFM 4.1: Talk
Monday, March 17, 2025, 11:30–11:45, H9
Oersted Mapping of Current Flow in Ferrorelectric Domain Walls with a Single-spin Magnetometer — •James Dalzell, Conor McCluskey, Marty Gregg, and Amit Kumar — Queen's University Belfast
Nitrogen vacancy (NV) [1] based magnetometers offer outstanding sensitivity for detecting static or dynamic magnetic fields at the nanoscale. As a result, this technique can be employed to evaluate current flow in materials with complex topologies and microstructures through direct measurement of the Oersted fields generated along any current pathways [2]. This creates an opportunity to evaluate fundamental aspects of electron transport in conducting ferroelectric domain walls, employed recently in lab-level ephemeral transistors and neuromorphic domain-wall based computing. We exploit the capability of the NV-AFM system to measure the current density along conducting domain walls in erbium manganite. By integrating high field sensitivity with exceptional spatial resolution, NV-based Oersted mapping has been shown to potentially offer a non-invasive approach to characterizing current flow in ferroelectrics. This advancement paves the way for a deeper understanding of electron transport phenomena in ferroelectric systems with current densities >1x104A/cm2, with improvements capable of being achieved by following pulse probe methods.
[1] Rondin, L. et al, Rep.Prog.Phys. 77 056503,(2014) [2] Tetienne, Jean-Philippe. et al, Sci. Adv. 3, e1602429 (2017). [3] Broadway,D.A, et al, Physics Review Applied 14(2) (2020).
Keywords: Nitrogen Vacancy Magnetometry; Domain walls; Ferroelectrics; Current-density mapping; charge transport mechanics