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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur

KFM 9: (Multi)ferroic States: From Fundamentals to Applications (IV)

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 11:45–13:00, H9

This focus session explores the intricate properties of (multi)ferroic states, spanning from fundamental understanding to cutting-edge applications. Topics include the design and control of (multi)ferroic states and domain structures at interfaces, domain walls, and in heterostructures. Emphasis will be placed on theoretical models, advanced characterization techniques, and the engineering of emergent properties for use in nano-electronic devices.

Chair: Morgan Trassin (ETH Zurich)

11:45 KFM 9.1 Investigating Self-Heating of Conducting Domain Walls Using Scanning Thermal Microscopy — •Lindsey Lynch, Kristina Holsgrove, Marty Gregg, and Raymond McQuaid
12:00 KFM 9.2 Thermoelectricity from domain wall formation in a polar metal — •Feifan Wang, Carl Romao, and Manfred Fiebig
12:15 KFM 9.3 Hybrid ferroelectric-antiferroelectric domain walls in noncollinear antipolar oxides — •Ivan N. Ushakov, Mats Topstad, Muhammad Z. Khalid, Niyorjyoti Sharma, Christoph Grams, Ursula Ludacka, Jiali He, Kasper A. Hunnestad, Mohsen Sadeqi-Moqadam, Julia Glaum, Sverre M. Selbach, Joachim Hemberger, Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohaty, Amit Kumar, Antonius T. J. van Helvoort, and Dennis Meier
12:30 KFM 9.4 Step sintering process on sol-gel synthetized Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 for enhanced temperature stability of relaxor ferroelectric state and energy storage properties — •Thomas Fourgassie, Cécile Autret-Lambert, and Pierre-Eymeric Janolin
12:45 KFM 9.5 Composite quadrupole order in ferroic and multiferroic materials — •Matthias Geilhufe
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg