
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 13: Altermagnets II

MA 13.10: Vortrag

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 12:00–12:15, H20

Growth and properties of sputter-deposited altermagnetic RuO2 thin films — •Maik Gaerner, Martin Wortmann, Judith Bünte, Inga Ennen, Andreas Hütten, Jan Schmalhorst, Timo Kuschel, and Günter Reiss — Bielefeld University, Germany

Altermagnetic materials exhibit time-reversal symmetry breaking and non-relativistic, anisotropic spin splitting in their bandstructure. RuO2 is widely regarded as such an altermagnetic material, since e.g. spin-torque generation in RuO2 has been observed [1]. However, muon spin rotation experiments [2] and density functional theory calculations [3] hint at the fragility of the magnetic order in RuO2.

Here, we report on the growth and characterisation of RuO2 thin films, deposited on MgF2-, TiO2- and MgO-substrates using reactive magnetron sputtering. In contrast to MgF2-substrates, the lattice mismatch between the commonly used TiO2-substrates and RuO2 induces a significant strain on the RuO2 which can enhance the density of states near the Fermi level [4]. We compare the crystallographic and electronic transport properties of the RuO2 films, deposited at varying growth conditions and on the different substrates, with regard to the detection of the altermagnetic phase.
[1] Bose et al., Nat. Electron. 5, 267 (2022)

[2] Keßler et al., npj Spintronics 2, 50 (2024)

[3] Smolyanyuk et al., Phys. Rev. B 109, 134424 (2024)

[4] Ruf et al., Nat Commun 12, 59 (2021)

Keywords: Altermagnetism; Altermagnet; RuO2; Ruthenium dioxide; Magnetron Sputtering

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg