
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 15: Poster I

MA 15.20: Poster

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:00–12:30, P1

Theory of Magnetization Dynamics Control by Phonons — •Meritxell Valls Boix and Alexander Mook — Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

Spin-lattice coupling plays a crucial role in facilitating angular momentum exchange between the lattice and magnetic subsystems. In this work, we explore how this coupling can be harnessed to enhance the lifetime of magnons in ferromagnetic materials. Specifically, we focus on the interaction between propagating surface acoustic waves and a proximate magnetic system, where these waves generate a torque on the spins. Using perturbation theory, we derive the effective field arising from magneto-rotational coupling and subsequently define the resulting torque. In particular, we investigate whether a damping-like component of the torque can emerge, which could act as an anti-damping mechanism to counteract the intrinsic magnon damping.

Keywords: Magnon; Phonon; Surface Acoustic Wave; Torque; Perturbation Theory

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